The Concert (Steve X Reader)

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Thank You-psychedeliclover- for this request!

Before you start reading, pick your most favorite band, You know whatever generation 60s, 80s, 70s, 2010s, 2020s, 2000s, rap, Rock N Roll...Whatever you listen to.
imagine their going on tour to you home town but you can't afford any tickets. Now just keep that band in your head and whenever you see this... _____ ...just fill in the blank of the name of your favorite band. If you don't have one just...chose a singer or something idk but I hope you enjoy this! Have a great day!
(I have a feeling someone gonna chose BTS...Idk why)
Stay Gold 🌅🐴💛

I sat alone in my room listening to some of my favorite music.

I always loved music it gets me in a mood, a happy pumped up mood. It makes me feel alive and gives the dull life of mine some color.

As I was jamming out to some music, my favorite part of the song coming on, I was interrupted by someone throwing rocks at my window.

I sighed knowing who it was. I turned down the music and opened the window, dodging an oncoming pebble.

It was of course a close friend of mine, Steve Randle.

"Hey Y/N!" He smiled

"Hey Steve."

"I wanna talk to you! Come outside!"


"You'll figure it out!"

I shrugged and closed the window, I ran downstairs heading out of the house.

"Yeah Steve." I sighed

"So...You know your favorite band ______?"

"Yeah of course I do."

"And you know how you couldn't afford to see them go on tour?" He asked


"Well...I entered in some contest and I won the front row tickets and a meet and greet!" He pulled out two tickets.

"REALLY!?" Steve nodded.

I squealed, hugging him tightly.

I pulled back and grabbed the tickets making sure they weren't fake.

"What are you doing?"

"This is to good to be true...I mean how can this happen? You don't even listen to ____. So how did you win?"

"Well, I hear you listening to their music so I gusse it was just second hand." Steve shrugged.

I looked up from the tickets to see if Steve wasn't lying.

"Trust me Y/N, why would I lie to you."

"Well...Anyway when is the show?" I asked


I couldn't help but squeal once again.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I can kiss you!"


"I'm gonna go get things ready for tomorrow! See ya!" I ran back into my house.

Blasting music once again, singing word for word as loud as I could.

The next day when night had soon emerged to its natural state.

I got ready for the best day of my life, I wore my favorite T-shirt of the band I was gonna see, some black convers and some ripped jeans, I put my hair up in a high ponytail and put on some light make up.

I was ready to rock!

I ran downstairs the moment I heard the doorbell ring knowing it was Steve. 

"Hey!" "Hey Y/N...You ready?"

"Of course I am!"

"Alright then let's go." Steve nodded.

We drove deep into Tusla and parked at the pack of the concert since we got to meet the band ourselves.

We showed the tickets and they gave us Vip ID's that we wore around our neck.

Me and Steve both ran around, looking for _____. It took about twenty minutes until we spotted them.

"Oh my gosh! I can't believe it." I squealed

"Hey, you the Vip winners?" The lead singer asked

"Yeah." Steve smiled

I caught the the lead singer staring at me.

"What's you name beautiful?" He asked

"Y/N." I blushed

"Want me to show you our hangout?"

"Umm yeah!"

"Alright lets, go." He smirked
He showed us every inch of backstage.

Deep into the tour I had noticed that___ was flirting with me.

I also notice Steve wasn't around.

Which was strange cause Steve's like a magnet to me.

"Hey...Where's Steve?" I asked
"You mean your big nosed friend? He left off somewhere." He looked as if he was lying.

"I think I'm gonna go look for him." I tried walking away but he grabbed my hand.

Making me face him, he pinned me against the wall making my privacy feel violated.

"Please don't go Y/N, I know we just met but... I think I'm in love with you."

"First where is my friend?" I suddenly heard yelling, I looked over to see security guards dragging Steve out of the building.

"Why's he getting kicked out?"

"I told my friends to take his ID...Who cares anyway, he was holding up the love boat by third wheeling." He smiled

"Be realistic." I then smacked him in the face.

I ran off towards Steve.
It was pouring ran now, I had seen Steve sitting on the floor with a bloody nose.

"Steve!" I called

"Y/N!" He stood up and jogged towards me.

"Those sons of bitches took my ID and kicked me out."

"I know, it was ___ the lead singer.. he was flirting with me...Gosh he's corny." I sighed

"I gusse I ruined the night for you huh?"

"You didn't you honestly made this a night to never forget." I laughed

"Gosh I'm sorry we're not able to see you favorite band play." Steve sighed

"To be honest after all I've been through...I don't consider them to be my favorite band anymore."

We both stood silent for a moment.

"Y/N...the day when you said I could kiss you did you mean it?" Steve asked

"I don't know." I shrugged.

We both stared into eachothers eyes.

I hadn't noticed but we were slowly leaning towards eachother. Our lips pressed softly together.

My heart fluttered, I had then realized I was inlive with Steve Randle. We pulled away, blushing.

"I gusse I would." I smiled

I'm really sorry it took so long to get this one out, I was caught up in thing I also feel like this wasn't as good but I hope you like it.
Stay Gold 🐴 🌅 💛

Imagines And Preferences Pt.2 🐴🌅🏈🥤🍺🍰😎🚗Where stories live. Discover now