Can't Repeat The Past (Ponyboy X Reader)

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As I stared down at my reflection, all I could think of was the way I was before.

Happy, Hopful...I was free; Free from all the expectations that were set upon me, Free from my insecurities, Free from all the negative remarks I was receiving.

Now I'm hopless, miserable, trapped and alone.

I feel cold, any gust of wind can make me shiver.

I crave for some warmth, something to remind me that things can get better how things can get back to how they were...I feel as if the world is moving on as I'm stuck in a well;crying for help.

I need a hug; God all I want is a hug.


I jumped, wiping my tears hurriedly; replacing my frown with a smile.

"Hey Ponyboy."

"Hey, how's your day going?" He asked sitting besides me

"Good." I sighed

He took a deep look in my eyes, his eyes sparkled in the Haze of the sunset.

"No, No you're not."

"What do you mean...I'm fine!" I smiled

"Your smile might be showing it but your eyes ain't Y/N."

I sighed

"C'mon, you can tell me these things."

"Your gonna think it's stupid."

"No I wont...The only stupid things come out of mouths is Twobits and Steve's."

I giggled, the tears suddenly threatened to stream out again.

"Don't you...Don't you miss how things were before? Like three years ago?"

"What like...when we were thirteen?"

I nodded

"Yeah, sometimes."

"We were so happy, there were no problems...Nobody was miserable, there were no fights at all...Your parents were alive too."

"Yeah..." Ponyboy agreed "But, as much as I want to hold on to those times...I gotta let it go- We gotta let it go...Because sometimes...Living in the past harms you more than it can give you happiness. Nostalgia's a pretty interesting thing...It's like some void that grabs all of your happy memories, your happy feelings and shows it all to you. It's alright to stay there for awhile but...the longer you do; You miss what good has in store for you in the present."

"You sound like Darry."I sniffed

"Well then Darry's right. You can't stop living, not for one bit...Unless you passed away. But, life is meant for you to move on, grown...enjoy. Yeah, right now we may be miserable and just desperate for something to remind us how happiness feels but, it doesn't mean we should abandon the present."

"I guess your right."

"I guess I am...C'mon to my house now...Soda made a new batch of Chocolate cake and I don't want Steve and Twobit to hog it."

Ponyboy grabbed my hand with a smile and we both started running off to the Curtis house.

Imagines And Preferences Pt.2 🐴🌅🏈🥤🍺🍰😎🚗Where stories live. Discover now