Overthink (Ponyboy X Reader)

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Y/N's pov:

I lied on the grass silently crying.

There's no point, My Dreams; Their so far away, standing out onto the end of the universe, so hard to reach for the gravity prevents me to fly.

The power of overthinking can be both a gift and a curse.

Being a gift of possibly being correct of the near future and a curse when it makes you fear about your dreams or anythingyou care and love for deeply.

I fear if suddenly one day it will all just slip away, if that exciting feeling I get dies; if my passion will slip away and lose its meaning...Will that mean I'll loose all of my meaning for living as well?

I've been wanting to do this for two almost three years; developing such a passion and desire to accomplish what I started. But there's one part in my brain saying it's impossible, assuming the worst, building a hard cold brick wall that's impossible to climb.

Gosh if only I knew what to do!

"Y/N?" A familiar voice suddenly called.

I gazed up to see Ponyboy, my Dearest friend.

"Are you crying?" His face was drawn with great concern

In a hurry, I sat up wiping my warm tears, flashing a charming smile.

"What do you mean? It's just the cold air blowing into my eyes that's all."

Ponyboy sighed, sitting besides me "That's no it...I know its not, Y/N you have that face. Somethings bothering you."

Tears threatened to spill suddenly, the fake smile quivered, struggling to keep its shine. But failed miserably.

I broke down sobbing, Ponyboy grasped me tightly.

"I'm just so frustrated Ponyboy! This is the third time this month, I'm scared, what if the things I love and care for...leave me?" I cried

"Y/N...Look at me." He said softly

I pulled away from his hug,wiping my tears away.

"The more you fear...The more it will likely come; Now I know that might sound more terrifying but, it's true. Even if your scared, you gotta do it scared, even if your worried you gotta do it worried...Just don't let that fear; destroy that love, that passion, that spark that you have. Remember, this is your life...Nothing and No one else's...So you make the decision in life."

"Thank you Ponyboy...I don't know what I'll do without you" I hugged him tightly

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