The Move (Better Days)- Darry

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Eventually, one day, it would be time for the Curtis family to flee away from the place they've always called home; but, who was the last person to ever step out of the adored home?

After five years of the tragic events, it was finally time for the Curtis brothers the leave the nest, Ponyboy was the first to go as anyone expected, he got a scholarship far away from Tulsa, hoping to make all the suffering he went through worth it, Then shortly after Ponyboy had left; Soda's fate unexpectedly came knocking on his door; being drafted to war-in hopes of coming back home safely for the holidays, he fought hard. Just to have his hopes crushed and his brothers shattered the day he took his last breaths. And then there was Darry...

Darry's Pov:

I sat blankly on top of a moving box staring at the empty living room that once used to be the most lively places in this home; This is it, my last moments in this house and my loneliest. Pony's off at college, Twobit moved along with some blonde after impregnating her and Steve- I don't know what he's up to, after Soda's death Steve's presence in Tulsa died along with him- he left DX...Thats all I know.

It took a lot of hard work to sell this place, no one wanted to buy this house- to small,cramped, rotten, filthy or just simply what they weren't looking for. By the eighth week I was starting to question weather this place was meant to be left to someone else's hands- I even nearly convinced myself that it was my mother's and father's doing; telling me to just keep the house because of all of it's valuable memories it carries. As much as I wanted to stay here, I can't afford it- not after Soda passed, Twobit actually got a job for a bit and helped me with the bills- I told him he didn't have to but, he insisted; explaining to me how much this house had meant to him.

I knew I'd have to move on eventually, just later than I expected- I remember before my parents kicked the bucket, I always thought I'd be flying away from the nest by eighteen with my scholarship and all- But, you know... It's been two years- two years since I lost my brother and so much has changed- this is just one of the big ones for me.

You know, as I sit here alone, I realize how much I never got to really grieve on the people I have lost. Mom,Dad,Dallas, Johnny and Soda; I said my goodbyes but never acknowledged their disappearance. I always convinced myself it was just another normal day; convinced myself that they went away for awhile and would be back- it's childish but, that's how I managed to be Superman everyday- Act like everything is alright and nothing's wrong at all. Even though everything is- I know coping like that made Ponyboy see me as some heartless monster but, he doesn't understand how things are in my shoes and never will. I don't think any of it should matter now anyway- it's to late for me to think about it, to late to feel any emotion towards any of it; everyone moved on and it's time for me to as well.

I stood up from the last moving box, hauling it slowly into the air- I loaded it into the moving truck and decided to take a last good look at the house.

I probably forgot something- Should take a last look before leaving for good...

I took my instinct's advice and walked back into the house.

The living room was first; It's like I can hear the vivid laughs of the gang again; just like the good old days

Then the kitchen; There goes the fire alarm- I can see that reckless, charming grin of Sodapop's as he tries to put out the fire of his green pancakes

I walked through the hall; I can see Ponyboy, Dallas and Johnny talking about their day plans as they walk by

Ponyboy's Bedroom; I can see me and Soda tickling Ponyboy awake, our laughs echoing from the house to the whole neighborhood

Sodapop's old bedroom; I can see my mother on a rocking chair, holding onto baby Soda as she sings him lullaby's

My Room: I see my father tucking me into bed, my mother kissing me good night

Lastly My Parent's room: I can see me, Soda and Ponyboy all gathered together talking about what was next for us- I felt that fear again.

I was missing nothing else- But, I needed some tissues that's for sure. Maybe I just wanted to use it as an excuse to go back in the house again. Maybe this move is for the better- Sure I'm leaving the house but, I'm bringing the memories with me.

I stepped out onto the porch; All of us gathered up together, laughing until midnight struck.

God, I'm gonna miss this place- I walked into the moving truck, starting the ignition- but, it's time to move on

It's time for better days...

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