👻Bob's Revenge (Pt.Three)

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Johnny's POV:

We all walked around the house back to back, Dallas held his gun out tightly as if it would still do any damage, Ponyboy had his lighter and Soda had the tub of gas, spilling it within each step.

"Let's go grab the keys to my truck." Darry whispered

We nodded silently, walking from the dining room into the living room- I suddenly had some strange feeling as if someone was watching me, passing the kitchen opening I suddenly heard a growl; it was him.

"Johnny!" Soda warned

Bob leaped towards me, jaw unhinged- Soda jumped in front, pushing me away he drenched him in gas- Bob suddenly sunk his teeth into his arm in the process- he roared in pain

"Get off my brother!" Ponyboy yelled beating Bob so hard that his weak skull dented

"Let's get outta here!" Darry held the door open

Everyone ran out one by one, Ponyboy being the last- He flicked his lighter a blaze and threw it in the house. The house now in flames, we all hopped into the car driving as far as possible. I watched as the burning house became smaller and smaller- My heart sunk when I seen Bob walk out of the house unharmed.

"He's not dead!" I cried



Ponyboy and Dallas looked in disbelief

"What are we gonna do?" Ponyboy sunk back into his seat hopeless

Soda was in tears, I looked to see that Bob had bitten off a good piece of his flesh- he was loosing blood fast.

"Shit, We gotta take you to the hospital." Darry panicked

"No-don't, I'll be fine."

"Your gonna bleed out if we don't!"

"Wait" Ponyboy blurted "If Soda is bitten by Bob, won't that mean he'll end up like him?"

Everyone stood silent, He could be right; But, the only way to figure out is to see if Buck did. This is all my fault, if I never pushed  Ponyboy into visiting Bob this would've never happen- how do we even figure out this mess?!

"We gotta figure something out before this effects all of Tulsa." Ponyboy stated

"Oh wow, you don't say?" Dallas spat

"Do we even have a plan?"

"Yeah, To kill him once in for all!"

"And how did that work out?"

As Dallas and Pony fought Soda became paler, it looked as if he was fighting himself from passing out , I looked around to see if there was anything to prevent Soda from loosing more blood- I reached my pocket to feel my switchblade- I grabbed it, cutting off my sleeve and wrapping it around his arm. He gave a weak smile before he lost consciousness.

"Guys, look!" Darry slowed down near Buck's

We looked out to see a somewhat live Buck limping out around the yard of his home.

"Shit." Dallas muttered

I shivered looking over at Soda "Doesn't that mean?-"

"No!" Ponyboy cried "Soda- how is he?"

"Out cold." Darry sighed

"What are we gonna do with him?" Dallas asked

"What do you mean?" Ponyboy was in tears

"I mean- he's gonna turn into one of them; we can't just keep him."

"We don't know that...Maybe he won't."

"Pony, look at him man- his face his some pale green and his veins are popping out- he's turning."

"He's not!" Ponyboy wrapped his hands against Dally's neck, attempting to choke him but being to weak to do so, I felt myself becoming guiltier within every second.

"Ponyboy!" Darry's eyes were glossed "Dallas is right, we're gonna have to put him somewhere- where he won't get hurt and we can have time to figure all this out- Steve has a good shed in his back yard we can use."

Ponyboy shook his head in disbelief, curling up into the chair, he looked as if he were to cry, but held it in. As we drove our way to Steve's house, I couldn't help but wonder where Bob went- he could be anywhere, doing anything-killing anyone. All I know is that he's looking for me.

I looked out the window, we passed the park where Bob jumped us, meaning that we were about two minutes away from Steve's place. I suddenly heard it again; that growling, it then dawned on me. I looked over to see Soda slowly rising his head from the window- he was going to leap any moment.

"Watch out!" I warned

Before Soda leaped over for Darry, Dallas grabbed him by the hair;pinning him to his seat. The veins in his eyes were fusing, he jerked left and right as he laughed uncontrollably.

"Drive faster!" Dallas demanded

"I am!" Darry swerved into the parking lot

We jumped out of the car, Darry and Dallas grabbed Soda; dragging him into the backyard and into the shelter.

I looked over to Ponyboy who wasn't in good shape, he glared at me "This is all your fucking fault."

I felt my soul get cold as he passed me by, saying his goodbye to Soda by watching Darry and Dallas shove him into the shelter; he was right.

"Hey!" Steve who as only in his underwear sprinted out of the house with a metal bat " What the hell are you?!- Johnny, what are you guys doing here? What happened?"

"It's a long story..."

Imagines And Preferences Pt.2 🐴🌅🏈🥤🍺🍰😎🚗Where stories live. Discover now