Unconditional Love (Johnny X Male Reader)

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Y/N's Pov:

I found myself walking through the dark yet damp streets of Tusla.

I was going to check on my Boyfriend Johnny Cade, he wasn't having a good week after his parents officially kicked him out of the house.

About three days ago, Johnny had officially came out to everyone he loved, The Gang were surprised but, supportive of Johnny and very happy that Johnny and I were in a happy relationship.

They told Johnny that they'd love him unconditionally no matter who he loves.

But, with his parents- It got ugly. His Mother yelled, calling him a monster- followed by all other names of the book that we had heard plenty of time in the town.

His father, beat him to the point that He had fainted when I found him in the lot.

Johnny never deserved to be treated like that. What kind of monster would abuse an innocent soul- Monster isn't even the right word to describe his parents

Through he knew his parents reaction would come to the way it was, he was torn.

He hadn't eaten any food and he hasn't talked to the gang- He's been hiding up on the tree if any of them were trying to get a hold of him, even Dallas.

I bet he would've done the same with me but, I figured the whole thing out, I'm his Boyfriend I'll always figure things out eventually.

After the long walk to the Lot, I found Johnny gazing beyond the night sky.

I sat besides him.

I pecked his lip Hello.

"How are you feeling?" I asked

"I'm not sure..."

"Hungry I bet." I grabbed a Blue berry muffin out of my pocket, revealing it to him

"It's you're favorite!"

"I-I'm good."
He gave a soft smile

"Johnny, I know you're stuck on all this but, you gotta move on- who care what those assholes thing of you as. That House wasn't even a home in the first place."

"I don't care about the house!" He suddenly stood up walking acouple feet away from me with his arms crossed.

"Those assholes are my Parents... They were supposed to be the people who cared for me the most! I wonder If they ever even cared- or loved me...Maybe when I was a baby...But if so then why don't they love me the way they used to then?"

He started to sob.
I stood up, hugging Johnny from behind

"I loved those people even if they didn't love me...No matter how many hits I took, no matter how much verbal abuse I took...I stood there believing that one day they'd love me." He sniffed "The moment I try to search for support, the moment I tell the my truth...They finally decide to throw me out like trash."

"But, the gang didn't, I didn't...Johnny I know you're Hurt of what had happened but, you gotta carry on. Realize that there are people out here who love and adore you for who you truly are."

I noticed as he calmed down, I led him back to sit down with me.

"You're right...I-I just gotta move on. But, it still hurts."

"I know how it feels Johnny."


"Cause it happened to me too..."

He looked at me shocked "They kicked you out?"

I nodded


"About a month ago. I mean they did show that they loved me, they were loving parents. But, sometimes when you reveal you're truth...People don't handle it well, some people prefer the lies then the truth- I stay away from those kind of people now." I paused "And even though it was long ago, it still hurts."

Johnny Hugged me tightly
"I love you Y/N"

"I love you too." I grabbed the muffin handing it to him.

"Now can you please eat." I gave a smile

"Yeah." He giggled

We suddenly locked eyes, slowly leaning to eachother. I felt as our lips touched softly against one another, a magical sensation swept me.

We pulled away.

Johnny grabbed the muffin, smiling "I really love you Y/N."

"Well, I love you more than anything in this entire world Johnny- I love you Unconditionally."

Thank you RULERZRE4CH_F4N for this amazing request! I loved writing it It was so sweet and I'm so glad you requested this I've actually have been wanting to do this kind of imagine but didn't really know how to start about it. I really hope you enjoyed it :3

Stay Gold 🐴 🌅 💛

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