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Everyone in the Gang except for Dally are gathered up in the livingroom doing their usual stuff.

When suddenly Dallas comes in casual.

Johnny: Hey Dal, how's your day going?

Dallas: Man, you won't believe what I just witnessed man

Ponyboy: What happened?

Dallas: Down next to the jail house there was a man talking to another man right? And those two got interrupted by a man and another man who were just like "Hey man drop all your money in this bag man" and man, I would've joined them but there was this cop man right there. The next thing I know man, is that the man and the other man were just full on out having some draw man. I can't believe what I saw man...I'm surprised how I made it out alive man...

The gang sits there all confused

Steve: What?

Dallas: Man, didn't you hear me?

Twobit: Yeah we did it's just-

Ponyboy: There was alot of...Man.

Dallas: So, the story still made sense man.

Darry: No. It didn't at all

Soda: Why can't you just tell us the story again but with the Man in it?

Dallas: I can't man...

Soda: Just try...Tell us the story without saying man

Dallas: Down next to the jail house there was a man talking to another man right?-

The whole gang Groans

Twobit: There's should make it illegal to say Man for Dally only.

Ponyboy: He'd be in jail all the time then

Steve: Doesn't make a difference, he's in jail all the time

Everyone gasps looking at Steve
Dallas look heart broken

Twobit: What the hell did you say that

Dallas: Man, that hurt me Man!

Steve: I didn't mean to it's just-

Dallas: Man I'm leaving you man, Don't talk to me

Dallas walks out, the gang could hear the faint sounds of sobs that were followed by the one famous word said repeatedly by Dallas Winston; "Man"

Imagines And Preferences Pt.2 🐴🌅🏈🥤🍺🍰😎🚗Where stories live. Discover now