Johnny Gets Justice

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It was a usual day for Johnny- waking up to the banging of his bedroom door, before he could process anything, he already knew who it was; His mother.

Mrs. Cade: Open the door! Wake up you bum!

Wasn't such a bad insult compared to the ones he received before, Johnny quickly got up and opened the door to be met with a smack in the face; it woke him up immediately and shattered him every time.

Mrs.Cade: Where the fuck where you last night?

Johnny: Since when do you care?


Johnny: With my friends

Mrs.Cade: Did you tell any of them that I and your father supposedly abuse you?

Johnny: No, why?-

She pushed him down to the floor, kicking him hard on his stomach

Mrs.Cade: Liar! Because of your big ass mouth child protective services are coming today to see if the conditions you spoke of were true! You know what will happen if they figure out?!

Johnny was near to tears, though it was a everyday occurrence it still hurt him.

Mrs.Cade: You're Father and I can go to jail!

Johnny felt somewhat relieved to hear that,  but also guilty to feel relieved, he knew the gang couldn't have called the CPS- maybe the neighbors; but why now after all these years?

Mr.Cade suddenly came walking past the hall, he stopped in his tracks ready to get his turn on things, he wasn't drunk but hung over- it looked like he already heard the news, wearing a dirty white button up and a nearly torn red tie- he held a belt in his hand;Johnny already knew where this was going...

Mr.Cade: What are you crying for?

Johnny kept shut, it's better that way- well, at least he thought it was

Mr.Cade: Get up you pussy! Wipe those tears off and clean this whole damn house before I make you have a reason to cry about something!

Johnny got up, his mother and father glaring at him like he was dirt, as he passed his mother he received insults and the moment he passed his father- the tension role the moment Mr.Cade swung his belt, he tackled Johnny; hitting him constantly making sure that metal part got him good.

Mr.Cade: If I go to jail because of you boy, you'll meet you're end!

Johnny: I'm sorry, please just let me fix this! Let me clean the house! I'll do what you need me to!

It took a minute for Johnny to be let go, then it was off to cleaning . It took a good five hours to fix the whole place all alone, clean the dishes, mop and broom the floor, fix the yard, pick up all the beer bottles and broken glass- during that time, Mr. And Mrs.Cade just reminded Johnny how much of a waste of space he was and how much they wished he never were born. At that moment Johnny agreed with them.

Within 5:05pm a white mustang pulled over, a well dressed woman with angel eyes came walking to the door, everyone got in their best shape and the performance started now.

Mr.Cade: Hello, welcome to our lovely home!

Woman: Hi, Mr.Cade- Now, I'll just make this fast; checking the home's condition, asking Johnny if he feels safe and then I'll be on my way.

Mr.Cade: Great!

Mr. And Mrs. Cade glared at Johnny signaling him to not mess this up.
The home inspection went well, nothing was alarming to the woman soon it went to the interview, As expected from his parents, Johnny lied- Saying that he loved the home, he felt safe and no hand was put on him ever.

Woman: Well, since it seems like you feel safe here I suppose there's no need to take any further action

Johnny: Wait, ma'm.

Woman: Yes?

Johnny: Who was the one who told you guys about my abus- My parents?

Woman: I'm sorry Johnny but, I can't disclose that...

Johnny: Please miss, I won't tell my parents

Woman: Some girl who went by some weird nickname

Johnny: What was the nickname?

Woman: Intense fan girl?- something like that

Johnny's eyes widened

Woman: Are you alright?

Johnny: Yeah-

Intense Fan Girl: Liar!

Johnny: Oh shit.

Woman: Do you know her?

Johnny: Sort of...

Intense Fan Girl: Johnny's parents are abusive! Haven't you done research?!

Woman: Yes, there are no signs that-

Intense Fan Girl: Oh but there are!

She grabs out a camera and shows footage of what had happened the same day

Woman: Oh dear!

Mr and Mrs. Cade, who were spying burst in

Mr.Cade: That bitch is lying! I ain't going to jail

Intense Fan Girl: Oh, but you deserve more than jail Mr. Cade

From her tiny pocket she grabs a huge ass sword once again, epic music rises- this is the moment we have all been waiting for

Intense Fan Girl: Justice! For! Johnny!

She takes a swing beheading both of the abusive Cades. Blood splatters I'm the whole room, The music fades.

The woman looks down traumatized, Johnny not surprised
The girl smiles innocently

Intense Fan Girl: Love ya! Peace

She then fades away mysteriously

Woman: Are you okay?

Johnny: Yeah...this happens a lot- I'm gonna got see my friends now

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