The Theory

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We see the gang hanging out in the livingroom as usual. Dead silent. The only sound is a ticking of a clock.

They all sit with blank expressions

Twobit: Soooo... what are you all up to?

The rest snap out from their daze

Soda: Nothing much- how about the rest?

Everyone: Nothing really

Soda: Nice.

Twobit: Well actually, I've been educating myself with this theory I've created

Ponyboy: What?

Darry: Don't encourage him...

Twobit: Well, practically...Haven't you noticed how uneventful our lives have been for the past nine months?

Steve: No, I actually like it this way- no one's dying, no one's crying and we don't gotta suffer- hell even my Dad stopped being such an ass to me- I finally got a real bed in my room now

Twobit: Well, anyway- I got a theory that we aren't actually living in the terms of reality.

Dallas: That's the most stupi-

Twobit: Let me explain first!

The gang groans, yet still let's Twobit continue on towards is fantasy.

Twobit: Okay, umm; so practically we aren't living the terms of reality but, in the terms of a story- we're like fictional characters or something. But, not the fictional characters from the original story- characters from something I like to call a Fanfiction.

Steve: Your speaking bullshit now

Twobit: No, I'm not and I'll prove it!- Johnny, do you remember waking up today?

Johnny: W-what?

Twobit: Do you even remember opening your eyes, getting ready for the day and eating food?

Johnny: Yes, I assume

Dallas: See, your theory is wrong

Twobit: What did you have for breakfast?

Johnny thought for a second until he suddenly became shunned

Johnny: I don't remember... I don't even think I ate anything

Twobit: Exactly

Darry: Wait, what is that even suppose to prove?

Twobit: You see when a normal person wakes up, the first thing they always remember is how they get their days started. But, no one here seems to remember how our day started right?

They all stop to think and shamefully agree with Twobit

Twobit: But, in Fanfictions we are brought up through random events- we remember these events yet- we keep respawning as if it never happened

Johnny: Wait- I'm supposed to be dead! How- how am I? -

Dallas: Wait a moment...Me too!

Steve: Shit I remembered that!

Ponyboy: Wait, so practically you're overall theory is that- we're not real? We're nothing but a figment of some random person's imagination

Twobit: Exactly, but not just one...many! You see we're not like any other story- we exist in a fandom- where millions add more and more memories into our lives either after or even prior to the main novel we were first introduced in

Soda: Oh yeah, they even got a whole movie about us...So cool

Ponyboy: No! No, not cool! My whole life has been a lie this whole time! My life is probably being made up by some random teenager as we know it! You know what they do in fanfictions? They make us go through the most bizarre things

Steve: Yeah, like that one time Ponyboy put helium in my head and flew me into space for me to only catch my ultimate, horrific, insufferable death- shit man who did comes up with these things?!

Ponyboy: We here to suffer for the entertainment of others!!!

Johnny: Well, actually not really

Everyone turns to look at Johnny

Johnny: We're also here to save lives, make people's days better- sometimes they even come to save our own...I remember this one kid pushed me away from that falling timber- they died and not me...I remember saving this kid from taking their own life- making this one kid feel better about themselves after getting bullied by others; We're made to help make the suffering less suffering- I guess. If it weren't for them- we'd probably be nothing but thin air if you think about it.

Dallas: I never thought of it that way man- but sometimes I feel uncomfortable with some of the things these people come up with- I mean some of them are fun and sweet and all- and heck even some are mighty goof spicy but- I don't like how one made me infused into Twobit's body, making into some weird blob that soon got injected with helium in the brain by Ponyboy, to soon meet my terrible, horrific, insufferable and ultimate death in the middle of outer space

Twobit: I was there too!

Ponyboy: Wait, so...if every moment of our lives are just made up...Doesn't this mean that this one is too? And at this very moment- a random person is writing the words I speak, jotting down all of the actions I do?

Ponyboy looks around the room, he suddenly stares right into you

He looks in fear and in disbelief, the rest of the gang stare into you as well.

Tension is built...They finally figured it out- their not real...They were always just the figment of our imagination.

Imagines And Preferences Pt.2 🐴🌅🏈🥤🍺🍰😎🚗Where stories live. Discover now