🧟‍♂️The Corpse Boyfriend (Pt.One)

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The season of Halloween can sometimes be a time where we mourn for the ones we've lost.

For Y/N L/N that's how it was.

A Year ago they had lost someone who they held special to their heart. A man named Dallas Winston.

Though he was a man against the law- A Jail Bird you might even say.

He had the sweetest and softest heart he hid away from very many but showed to a very lucky few.

Y/N was heart broken when they heard the new of their one and only love was gone forever.

They had tried moving on but, just can't get themselves away from their past.

And sometimes your past can't get away from you.


Y/N's Pov:

I found myself lying in my dark cold room all alone, I stared at a photo of Dallas as Our favorite song played in the background softly.

I miss him.

God I wish he were still here.

It'd been a year since his passing yet I can still hear the crackling of gunshots echoing across the road.

I still remember.


"Y/N? Hello?" Dallas quivered through the telephone

"Dallas? What's wrong, are you okay?"

"Johnny died...He-he's gone." He sobbed


"I'm done with this damn world Y/N...I'm done!"

"Dallas please no, Don't leave me come to my place!"

"I Robbed a Convenience store...The Fuzz is after me...It's to late."

He paused
"I love you Y/N."


He hung up.


I sat in my bedroom, trying to get a hold of The Curtis Brothers, no one answered.

Next I tried to call Buck's, as the phone rung I heard it.

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang!*

I looked through my window.

The gang Yelling, I seen as Dallas crumpled to the muggy floor.

"NOoooOooo!" I opened my window jumped out of my bedroom.

I ran towards Dallas.

"Y/N!" The Gang yelled.

Steve and Twobit ran towards me, trying to pull me away from Dallas, I kept hold.

I didn't let go.

I looked down into his eyes, slowly fading into nothing.

"Dally? Dally speak to me?"

He gave a soft smile, placing his hand on my face softly.


He gasped, looking up into the moon, his arm went limp his eyes had no more life.

Imagines And Preferences Pt.2 🐴🌅🏈🥤🍺🍰😎🚗Where stories live. Discover now