Turkey Day! (Ft. Y/N)

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Y/N's Pov:

I woke up to something tickling my nose. With my eyes still shut and desperate for more sleep, I itched it off.

Once again there was a tickle I huffed, itching it once again, turning on my side facing the couch cushions.

As I slowly felt a final moment of peace. The tickle went deep into my ear.

I jumped up wide awake smacking whatever was around me.

I hit Twobit.

"What the heck Twobit! I was trying to sleep!"

Twobit, Steve and Soda hovered around me giggling.

"Sorry, we wanted the couch Y/N." Soda smiled

"Well then wake me up and take me to your bed." I stood up stretching

"We'll think of that next time, Twobit just wanted to do something extra." Steve threw himself on the couch

I pouted sadly walking into the kitchen to Darry whistling, cooking and dancing with his hips.

"Hey Y/N, seen you sleeping on the couch did something happen in your place?" Darry flipped a pancake

"Just the usual fighting;Guess no Thanksgiving at my place, just like every year." I sat on the counter

"You can celebrate it with us, I mean everyone usually comes to celebrate it here."

"I guess I could. I haven't had a big meal since that one time my Mother suddenly became interested in gourmet meals and that only lasted a day."

Ponyboy suddenly walked in his shirt covered in dirt and a small cut on the marrow of his nose "Breakfast ready yet?"

"Almost ready. Take a shower you got dirt on you." Darry demanded

"Really? Where?"

"On your face, your arms...Are you alright did something happen to you last night?" I asked concerned

"I don't wanna talk about it." He walked off to the bathroom.

I looked at Darry "You know something probably happened last night to him right?"

"What makes you say that?" Darry grabbed some plates

"The dirt, the cut on his nose-you know he didn't even make it here until 4:00am that was two hours after I came in. And the way he rushed out like that-it's either he got jumped by socs or he had very dangerous sex in a pile of mud."

"Socs likely, he probably didn't want me to tell me due to the fact he was out and about with Dallas and Johnny so late."

"Yeah they went somewhere-But where?"

"I wonder if he even got me that Turkey like I asked." Darry opened the fridge just to close it again with a heavy sigh "He didn't."

Dallas and Johnny came walking in "Hey guys! Ooo Breakfast." Dallas tried grabbing a plate but Darry pushed it away from his reach.

"Not so fast, Where were you two and Ponyboy at last night?"

"The drive-in." Dallas leaned cooly against the fridge

"Until Four in the Morning?"


"Dallas is lying; the drive in closes by midnight like always." I looked at Dallas who gave a glare

"Yeah, after the drive in we went to hang out in the lot for awhile, the kid lost track and headed out back home." I could read all over Dally's face that he was lying.

Imagines And Preferences Pt.2 🐴🌅🏈🥤🍺🍰😎🚗Where stories live. Discover now