🎃The Wicked Girl In Tusla (Pt.Two)

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I kept my eyes shut as black fog swirled around us, the whistling wind blew through every direction, I was terrified.

As the ruckus slowly faded, the mysterious person's hand let go of their grasp from me.

I slowly opened my eyes facing the floor.

The first thing I saw was a dark velvet carpet with rustic gold design. The room containing a warm hue for the only thing lighting the room was a fire that burned slowly.

I looked around taking everything in. I wanted to be scared but, I couldn't be; I was intrigued.

I looked up at the person who kidnapped me.

"Who are you and how did we end up here?" I asked

They didn't respond, they gripped on their hood slowly putting it down, revealing their face.

I couldn't believe who it was.

"Aunt Alvina?!"

"Sorry for scaring you honey." She gave an awkward expression

Aunt Alvina was well-My Aunt that I haven't seen since my Uncle had died when I was five.

I remember asking where'd Aunt Alvina went- All my parents said was that she left the state and wouldn't be back.

Something in me didn't believe them- I was convinced they were hiding something from me.

I assumed for the deep knowledge my intuition growled that Tonight I'd have all the questions I had since I was little answered. But, all the questions didn't roll out of the tounge easily

"How did?- I thou- What?"

Aunt Alvina sat me down on an armchair that had suddenly appeared "Now listen Y/N, I know you have a lot of question but, I have to tell you something."

"Your a witch..." I blurted "I'm not saying that in a offensive way but-its just...There's so many strings that are connected to that kinda stuff- I mean with Mom and Dad not wanting me near you and you always having weird things in you bedroom that I've seen when I was five an-"


I shut my trap

"Yes, I suppose there is some... magic in our family bloodline and that's the reason why I've been following you for the past three days...You Y/N...well-You have that blood in you." She sighed
"That's why your Mother and Father have always kept me away from you...They don't like this kind of stuff."

"Why not?" I asked

"Sadly society today don't accept our kind...Just like back then- they're terrified of us."

"But, things changed...I mean- I'm sure their not scared of us anymore."

"That's what your uncle had thought...Until that incident."

"Is that how he died?"

She nodded
"He thought they'd be different. But they never changed-Strange how old fears never die but live onto another generation even when they know there's nothing to fear for-Anyway I stood hidden away in the forest for awhile, watching you."

"Are my parents likee you too?"

"Your Mother was; But, she lost her powers long ago...She hasn't used them for so long they vanished...If you don't take intrest in your powers like anything else in this world they dissappear- But it doesn't mean it can never come back-if only she listened to me."

"Are you sure I have that kinda gift? I mean I don't feel like I do." I looked at my hands, I didn't feel anything- not even a tingle

"Of course you do, it's in your blood! You've just never unleashed it before-Here" She put her hands out, suddenly a big old book appeared "This will help you."

I stood up as she tried to hand the heavy book to me

"I don't know about this..." I struggled to keep my strength

"I'll give you some time to think, just please, keep the book; hide it from your parents, especially your mother. I'll see you in three days before Halloween-eve. Please make this decision fast Y/N...Tusla-It may be in danger."

"Wait what?"

She suddenly flicked her fingers at me, causing my vision to blur.

The next thing I knew, I was in my bedroom with the book lying on my stomach.

I grabbed the book shoving it in the corner of my bed, placing a big bear that Darry won for me in a carnival game and called it a day.

I looked outside, processing everything I had processed all in a rush.

My poor uncle, dying because of hate. It seemed to be nothing new- so many greasers had died because of that one reason. Because of hate, all because they were labeled with a name that produced more fear.

Maybe I can fix it...But-What if I put my life in jeopardy?

My parents will be furious if they figure out what happened tonight.

But above all the things that raced in my mind, I wondered it was this one thing...

Why would Tusla be in danger?

Imagines And Preferences Pt.2 🐴🌅🏈🥤🍺🍰😎🚗Where stories live. Discover now