🎃The Wicked Girl In Tusla (Pt.Three)

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Ponyboy's POV:
~The Night of Y/N's disappearance

"Y/N! Y/N!"

"Where can she be?" Twobit panted

"I don't know- Damn it, I knew I should've went with her!"  I groaned

It's been an hour since Y/N went missing, I had a strong feeling that it has to do with what she told me at the concession stand. I just hope that we can find her before that cloaked person does.

"Hey guys look!" Twobit started to jog

It was Y/N and the cloaked person, Y/N seemed to be attempting to run away from them but couldn't

"Y/N!"  We started to run her way but were to far and to late, for she aspirated into thin air

"What the hell just happened?" Dallas freaked

"Shit, they got her!" I yelled

Everyone looked over at me

"What do you mean they got her?" Johnny asked

I sighed, starting to explain what Y/N had told me...

1 week later
Y/N's POV:

It's been a week since Aunt Alvina told me I was a witch, giving me a huge book of magic- I've been studying ever since, practicing spells and even secretly brewing potions- without my family's acknowledgment of course. It's also been a week since I spoken to the gang- which now I realize is a bad thing because they probably still thing I've gone missing.

There was a sudden knock on my door, I quickly shoved my book under my bed; as well as extending my finger, pointing it to my closet, causing my cauldron to move to that location, I clasped my hand to a fist to signal the closet to close- All of those actions occurred before my mother and father both walked into my room

"Y/N." My father had a serious face

"Yes?" I batted my eyes in innocence

"Do you want to tell us anything about last week?" My mother looked pissed

Shit, do they know? How do they know?!

"Look, I'm really sorry- I wanted to tell you but, I was to scared if-"

"You shouldn't be apologizing to us." My Dad interrupted "But, to you're friends."


"They've been under the impression that you were kidnapped, right in front of their very eyes- they were so worried that they went straight to the police!"My Mom sat beside me

"Even that delinquent friend of yours." My Dad remarked

"But, they were to terrified to tell us! The police thought we knew of your 'disappearance' so they didn't even bother to tell us, until today!"

I sighed "I'm sorry...I'll go to the Curtis house as soon as possible."

"It's okay honey, just-next time let your friends know so they won't worry" My Dad patted my shoulder

"And never go alone, you know that." My Mom sternly stated

"Alright, I'm sorry. I'll go tell the right now- I just gotta fix myself for a bit." I watch them leave my room- then got ready.

I checked my cauldron to see that the potion I was making needed about three more hours- but, how am I gonna stir it while I'm gone? An idea dawned on me- I put my hand out for a ladle to appear, placing it in the liquid; I snapped my fingers, now I'm all set. I grabbed my coat and walked my way to the Curtis house.

Imagines And Preferences Pt.2 🐴🌅🏈🥤🍺🍰😎🚗Where stories live. Discover now