Made the wrong move (Dallas X Reader)

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The Night Before:
Y/N's POV:
I gazed into the twilight sky as I stroked Dally's hair, I love this man- Is he my boyfriend? No, but, soon- I mean I know that someday he'll ask me.
"Y/N..." He mumbled "I got something to ask you..."

Holy Shit

"What is it?" I tried to act natural

"Do you love me?"

"Yeah, of course I do."

I expected that he would say something afterwards but, all that came out was a yawn. Embarrassed and confused I decided it was time to go home.

The Next Day...
Dally's POV:

"I can't believe it" Twobit smirked "Y/N really likes you"

"Not just likes; Loves you." Soda winked "So are you guys official?"

I stood dead silent

"Don't tell me you just left them  hanging after y/n told you that they LOVED YOU."

"So, what if I did?"

"You just ruined your chance" Ponyboy who had his nose stuck in a book blurted

"No one was talking to you." I glared

"Yeah doesn't mean you read a bunch of romance stories, your some love guru." Steve defended

I tried to brush off what Ponyboy said but I couldn't what if I did mess up my chance with Y/N?  I punched a pillow in anger "Damn it but, the kid could be right man. Why did I have to say so silent!"

"Maybe you just were to scared to be vulnerable around someone besides Johnny." Ponyboy flipped a page

It stood dead silent- that was the sign of no hope

"Hey" Twobit lit up "I know exactly how you can tell Y/N."

"Like making a move?"

"Yeah, grab her ass that's how Avery got with me." Twobit smirked

"And broke up with you a week later." Ponyboy scoffed

"Dal, I don't think that's a good idea." I looked over to see Johnny who just came into the house with a new bruise...damn it- that's why he was late.

"Well then anyone else got any bright ideas?"

"Just tell her how you feel, simple as that." Johnny sat besides me

"Pony, get Johnny and ice pack." Soda hovered Johnny with concern "Wanna stay at our place tonight?"

"You guys alright with that?"

"Of course we are."

I dozed off from their conversation, it was really out of my character to push Johnny's problem aside, but something just kept crawling all over my body- like some instinct; something was gonna happen- not to the gang, but between me and y/n. I needed more help but, Johnny needs more help than I do at this point; I about decided by then to keep my mouth shut and figure this problem out on my own- But, I knew I didn't have enough time...not only does y/n have a close relationship with me but a closer one with Johnny, sees him like a little brother and it's likely that y/n's gonna-

The door swung open to reveal the angel I craved and feared "Hey, guys!"

Shit, now what am I gonna do? I noticed that everyone besides Y/N looking at me, seeing what my next move was gonna be...I knew there were other ways to make a move like a kiss but, that's to cheesy- Holding of hands but, that's not as obvious as kissing. All I knew was that I had to act fast- right now before Y/N is gone again.

Y/N's POV:

I didn't know why but, I felt as if the atmosphere carried some tension as I leaned against the wall casually- everyone looked tense. Maybe Dallas told them what happened last night and they think I'm gonna blow up in their faces. But, I'm not. So what if Dallas left me hanging? So what if he gave me so much hope just to only smash it within seconds? I feel like if we just make a small situation bigger than it really is- that's when our relationship would really be put into jeopardy.

Dallas got up, I assume he was going to leave so I moved away from the door a little and continued to check up on Johnny. Everything seemed fine for a good minute until I felt something slithering fastly down my back, all of a sudden a tight grip to my behind What the fuck? My heart sunk, my eyes widened- I turned around as fast as I could smacking Dallas Winston hard on the face. My face got hot, I always was told that Dallas was the type of man to take advantage but, I never wanted to believe people- after all these years I thought he'd proven those people wrong.

With my face flushed, I ran out of the house- I knew he was chasing me- I ran faster, tears in my eyes- I felt him getting closer and closer, he grabbed the hood of my sweatshirt, pulling me into his arms. I tried hastily to break free but I couldn't; I quickly gave in.

He let me go "Why'd you smack me? I thought you loved me too?"

I laughed for a moment sternly staring   "I may love you but that doesn't mean I'm gonna let you treat me like I'm a damn object Dallas!This relationship isn't to be fooled around with like that! And if you don't like it then go find another walking sex doll of yours that you can pick up and drop off whenever you want! Don't you fool with me Dal, cause I don't like having my time wasted with some asshole like you."

"I was never intending to fool around with you."

"Oh yeah? Then why did you grab my ass?!"

"I was trying to tell you something."

"How the fuck can you tell me something by putting your hand on my ass?"

He stood silent

"I can't believe you." As much as I didn't want to I started to walk away

"Cause I love you too!" He yelled suddenly " I just didn't know how to get to the kind of level to tell you- that's why I need you y/n!"

I felt myself slowly walking toward him again as he spoke

"You help me because less isolated, you help me actually acknowledge the feelings I ignore...I've never been more happier. I know I messed up but, it was small- please Y/N I promise I won't be the man I was before,  I'm not gonna mess with you and I never will."

By this moment out faces were a inch apart.

"You promise?" I asked

"I promise." His lips suddenly met mine, I felt my knees get week- my heart fluttered and my mind had fireworks.

I finally knew from this moment and on Dallas loved me, he really loved me and all it took was a couple of wrong moves to lead us to this point.

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