Dally's Daughter- Meet My Boyfriend

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Y/N's POV:

I held my boyfriend's  hand tightly, looking into his tense eyes "Ready?"

He took a deep breath, nodding as he rang the doorbell; The door swung open to my Mother with a smile and my Father with a glare.

"Welcome, Jaxon! Come in!" My Mother lead the way to the dining room, As we followed I prayed that they both like Jaxon. I knew my Mom is easy to please based on her already laughing at his corny joke; My Dad was the one I was worried about- he's always been picky with the people I've been hanging out with and he'll likely be extra picky on who my boyfriend is, which I don't blame him on; Love is a serious thing that can take a massive affect in your life.

I love Jaxon and I really feel like he's the one- I mean sure we've had our ups and downs, before coming here we actually had an argument- I just asked him why he wasn't spending much time with me, he suddenly got pissed and yelled at me "Do you expect my life to suddenly revolve around you?!" It made me feel awful...I'm never gonna be that controlling or selfish again; I mean I don't expect him to always be around me it's just we haven't seen each other for a whole week until tonight, I had to be the one to persuade him into visiting them. My friend told me that's not the way how love should be but, I don't think she knows what she's talking about, she hasn't had any romantic relationships.

After about a good three hours, the event was over;  I went out following Jaxon to the car "So, that went well! I think my parents really like you."

"Uhuh" He opened his door

"So, do you wanna hang out at that cool place my Dad spoke of; The lot?"

"Another Day." He shut the door in my face, driving off

"I don't like him." My Dad startled me from behind

"What?Why not?" I quickly wiped the tears from my face 

"Driving off without a kiss goodbye like you're one of his Barbies and leaves you crying all alone- He ain't the guy for you Y/N."

"But, I love him."

"Doesn't mean he's good for you or that he loves you back hone." He stood silent for a moment "I was just like that asshole when I was his age; I can spot anyone like him from a mile away...He's a cheater-"

"No, he's not."

"Then how come you haven't been hanging with him for the past week?"

"He needed a break-and so did I." I defended

"Y/N, he's been lying to you...Your mother seen Jaxon with another girl at her job just last week." His tender eyes looked in pity

"That's a lie!"

"It's not."

"Then prove it to me!"

"Fine" He looked over to my Mom who was observing through the porch "Honey, can I get the keys to the car?" She tossed the keys "Thanks, Me and Y/N will be back soon."

"Don't cause any trouble." She yelled

"Oh, I won't." My Dad had this devilish smile, making me convinced that he liked was

We drove all the way to Jaxon's house, his car and another strange one in the drive way, My Dad and I walked up to the house ringing the doorbell. The door swung open to show a girl my age wearing heavy makeup and only a bra, underwear and some silk robe. My heart shattered...but then suddenly I felt enraged- I pushed the bitch over and dashed into his house

"Jaxon come out her you fucker!" I roared, my father following me with shock

Jaxon came walking in "Y/N, how did you?-"

"Your whore let me in." I swung a punch at him, he dodge "Next time if you wanna mess around!" I tried another, a perfect strike to the head he fell to the floor "Don't do it behind my back!"  I kicked him where it hurt "We're done!"

My Dad grabbed my arm, dragging me out of the house and into the car.

"Nice job kid." He smirked

Though I was proud of what I done, I felt heart broken; tears welled up in my eyes, I broke down.

My Dad grasped me into a tight hug "It's okay, you'll get by without him. I promise."

I knew he was right, But it still hurt... Maybe I just don't need anyone- maybe right now all I need to do is just be grateful of the one man who's always been in my life; My Dad Dallas Winston

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