When they realize you had a kid with them years after they broke up with you

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A/N: Thank you kaceycassidy123 for this request!

Imagine- You figure out your pregnant with one of the gangs child but, before you announce the news to them; you break up- Flash forward to years later, your child is older, you realize it isn't right to just let this child not know who their father is and that it's wrong to be hiding their child from them- This is how I think things would've gone...


Darry: He immediately takes action by trying to get to know your guys child and takes full responsibility of the whole mishap- He even pops the question after spending about a good two weeks together "I know I screwed up and I'm so sorry but, can we please start all over again?" You accept and you, Darry and your child have a whole fairy tale happy ending!


Sodapop: Once you finally found the courage to tell Soda, he passes out- but once gain consciousness- he breaks down crying out of guilt- But, he's fine because by the next day when he finally meets the kid he is the most happiest man alive "Oh my god! I can't believe I'm a Dad!- I can't believe we have a child together, after all these years; how come you didn't tell me you were pregnant?! Oh, yeah...I remember- Golly Y/N, I'm so...I'm so sorry!"
He grasped you and your child in a tight hug crying again "I promise to never leave you guys ever again!" And he kept his promise and was the most epic Dad to ever live


Ponyboy: When you told Ponyboy the news he was caught up on his work, writing a new book his fans all pushed him to write so, he didn't hear you the first time. Near to giving up, your child grabbed you're hand begging you not to and came up with the idea of them just walking into the room saying "Ponyboy, You are my father!" And hope that he says "Yesss!"-And not - "Noooo!"- Long story short Ponyboy froze when you took the plan into action, he didn't want to believe it but...he did see a positive pregnancy test the day you left his apartment so, it had to be true. Ponyboy was at first rusty with the father whole thing but, picked it up nicely- In the process you both fell in love again- But, decided this time to take things slow. But, one thing was bothering you so you just spat it out "If you seen that pregnancy test, how come you didn't call me to ask if I was really pregnant?"

Ponyboy sighed "I was scared...I didn't know if I was going to be the right man for this kid."
"Well, I hope you proved yourself wrong on that one."

"I'm so sorry Y/N."

"It's okay,I'm not mad...I mean- If it was seven years ago sure but, I'm not mad."


Twobit: Twobits was a chaotic beauty that turned to a tragedy- You told him over the phone causing him to drop it and ghost you for about a good three weeks- it took you a lot of hard work to hunt you down and when you did; you gave him hell. "I'm sorry! I didn't know what to say- what to do!" He pleaded You looked at him to see if he really meant what he said and it seemed like he did- but, still pissed you punished him; Spending a whole year with his child alone. It was a long Journey for Twobit, learning the ways of a father isn't easy but by summer time; you seen a whole new man, Twobit took your breath away through shock- As much as your child wanted the both of you to get back together, you guys couldn't though...Sadly you were already married but, you both agreed to be great friends which was really cool. Flash forward to a year later, Twobit is now your neighbor but, still single "Why haven't you gotten married Two?" You asked

"I couldn't really get over you that's why...Remember you broke up with me."

"Shit, your right!"

You both laughed

"I'm glad you live next to us." You smiled

"I am too and I'm glad you never wiped me away from this kid's life."


Steve: Steve didn't take things maturely at first, he hung up the moment you told him; when you called again he demanded for a dna test, You did so- revealing that "HE !WAS! THE! FATHER!!!!"- That's when he came to his senses, he swallowed his pride and took the responsibility for the child but, You two never really ended up in good terms

"Listen, I know you probably still hate my guts but, can we just get a fresh start for the sake of this kid's future?" He asked

"I agree, but it doesn't mean I'm gonna go ga-ga for you!"

"I know! I know."


Dallas: It was the middle of the night when you told him, you decided to bring your kid with you-  maybe if he sees them, he won't give us such a hard time; you planned this for a while now and knew Dallas was gonna be rough; At this point you didn't care what his response would be. You knocked on his apartment door, it swung open to show the familiar man who broke your heart. He looked over at you then the kid, he already knew where this was going; he explained everything- How the night you found him cheating on you, you also found out you were pregnant. He shook his head taking a long drag of his cigarette "Join the club." He nearly slammed the door shut, until her stopped him-

"I ain't joining no club Dallas! Don't you understand I was the first before you let those whores into our bedroom! Don't you understand that I'm not here for me, or for your dumb ass! I'm here so my child can see his father!" You were in tears "And what do you do? You show him the man you really are!"

Everything was silent, Dallas looked at you with shock

"You know what? Fuck it, I'm done kissing you're ass."

As you were about to go, Dallas grabbed your shoulder "listen, I'm sorry I'm being such an asshole- I wanna support you and this kid- I really do it's just; I don't got the money or the time...I'm getting evicted tomorrow and my damn boss laid me off a week ago. I'm trying to do you and this kid a favor."

"Dallas, we're not asking for your money- this kid doesn't need money...This kid needs a father; I'm sure we can figure this out- As friends."
"Yeah, Just friends." He smirked


Johnny: You and Johnny were actually still both good friends; even after the whole break up- you still wanted to be around each other, which wasn't easy for you- You wanted to tell Johnny so badly that he had a son but, you were to scared on how he'd react and how'd it effect his relationship with his girlfriend. One day, you were out in the park watching your kid play- Johnny was on a date when he spotted you and your kid walking back home. The next day he visited you unexpectedly, you told your child to hide as you let him in. You guys talked, Johnny told of you what he had seen, you took it as your chance to tell him and have him meet his child. "Gosh, Y/N...I can't believe it- how come you never wanted to tell me?"

"I didn't want it to ruin your life, you know with you dating Kate and all-"

"We broke up."

"Oh..." You blushed "So, what's next?"

"I want to be there for this kid and for you, being a single parent isn't easy; I mean this whole time- you must've been struggling."

"I mean it was hard but, we got by..."

"I promise you Y/N, it's not gonna be hard anymore. I want to give you two the world."

And he did, Johnny was actually the most best Dad ever- even better that Darry.

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