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Y/N: Your name.

It is my first day of college and my motivation is not there. I was woken up by my mum banging on my bedroom door and inviting herself in.

"Mum!' I say lazily.

"Come on Y/N, you're going to be late for your first day of college."

"I dont want to go." I say burying myself in my bed covers.

"You never want to do anything!" My mum snaps. "You need to socialise and make new friends."

"Ugh but why?!" I moan.

"Because! Now get up before I drag you out
of your bed."

I groan.

Just before mum leaves she says to me. "Dont you remember your first day of primary? You were so excited to meet new friends and there was no complaining. What happened to my little girl?"

She closes the door.

I hate it when my mum mentions my childhood or how much I have changed. It makes me feel unwanted and hated by my mum.

After a while of groaning I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed. I hate what I see. After brushing my teeth I hop in the shower and wash my hair and try to freshen up my pale face.

Once out of the shower I picked up a cute outfit out from my wardrobe. I wear a skirt, my favouirte band tshirt (Oasis of course.) My favouirte pair of creepers and some jewelry. My outfit helps a lot with how I look especially because my face looks awful today. Of all days.

I run downstairs looking at my watch. 'Ugh I'm late' I think to myself . Passing the hall my mum shouts to me from the doorway in the kitchen and goes." What about breakfast?"

" I dont have time!" I exclaim.

" Dont moan at me when you get home saying you were starving then."

" I wont Mum youre not always right you know!"

" INSTEAD OF HAVING AN ATTITUDE WHY NOT GO, YOU'RE ALREADY LATE! Guess I was right about that." She shouts.

All I do is roll my eyes and leave the house.


Whilst on my walk to school I see people from my old highschool. I try not to show too much attention to myself. But I cant help but notice one of the girls are laughing and pointing at my hair. I wondered what is wrong with me and in the end I realise my hair was wet and messy. " Omg..." I say to myself. " I forgot to do my bloody hair!"

I stop in my tracks and grab a little hair brush out of my backpack and try to brush out the knots in my hair. Whilst doing this a group of boys walk past laughing at me and calling me names. I just run away with thoughts running through my mind.

' Great I am a laughing stock already.'

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