2: Crying

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A month had passed and it's finally when quidditch matches started. You joined the crowd with hope to watch a certain blonde seeker win. Your eyes start to search for him before the match starts when someone talks to you.

"Are you looking for Draco?" You turn around to see Luna Lovegood dressed in a lion costume, obviously supporting the Gryffindors.

You were friends with Luna but you weren't that close. So you just nodded in response.

"Oh, you didn't know?" she asked.

"Know what?"

"Malfoy quit the team." Luna answered you.

"What? Why?" you accidently shouted.

"I don't know, I thought he would tell you. I'm sorry." Luna said dreamily.

"It's alright, Luna. I'll just go find him." You got up, starting to go find him.

You ended up finding him sitting by the tree beside the black lake just like a month ago.

You noticed that the past month, he's looking more and more tired. He always looks distracted and unaware of what's happening around him. Whenever both of you meet up as usual at the black lake, he always ends up falling asleep beside you. And if you try to ask him if he was alright, he just shrugs and kept quiet. When you try to keep pressuring him into telling you anything, he would end up snapping at you.

As you got closer, you could hear his voice, sobbing. You were surprised to have the sight of the Draco Malfoy, crying in front of you. Never in your life that you thought you would see your best friend that always acted tough and strong, sobbing his heart out. Your heart breaks when you realise that you weren't dreaming.

"Draco." You called as you placed your hand on his shoulder.

The blonde turns his head to see you.

"What are you doing here?" He managed to say without his voice breaking.

"I came here looking for you when I found out you quit the team." You said as you sat down beside him.

After that, it was just awkward silence.

"Are you ok?" you broke the silence.

There was silence again until he finally manages to speak.

"N- No." his voice cracks and his tears came running again.

You embraced him into your arms. Your arms wrap around his neck as his head quickly was laid at the corner of your neck. You could feel Draco was stiff, but it wasn't long until he relaxes and you feel his arms around your waist.

You and Draco stayed like that for a long time. Before you know it, he was on your, lap sound asleep. As you stroked his hair, you wondered what he was crying about. You had two thoughts, but you doubted them.

The first thought you had was that he was upset about his father's imprisonment. You immediately doubted that thought. Yes, he was upset about it, but you knew that Draco understood the fact that his father brought it on himself.

Second was that......

He is upset......

about being a death eater.

You know that you shouldn't just believe the rumours, but you can't deny the fact that there's a high chance that he is one. His father is a Death Eater; it wouldn't be weird if You know who asks his son to participate as well. If that was the case, you know that you will support him no matter what.

Even if it was true, you still hoped that it wasn't.

You felt a stare below you, you look down to see the blonde boy staring at you from your lap.

"What were you thinking about?" he asked, forgetting that he is still on your lap.

"Nothing you have to worry about." You just say smiling at him.

"Are you alright?" you asked him,

He got up from your lap.

"I've been better." He said.

"Do you... want to talk about it?" you asked hesitantly, afraid that he will lash out at you.

Draco just stared into space again, to which you take that he won' be telling you anything.

"Draco, whatever you're hiding, is eating you up. You need to let it out." You reached to get a hold of his shoulder.

You heard him groaned under his breath, that was the cue for you that he won't be telling you anytime soon.

This time you're the one who sighed.

"Just promise me you'll take care of yourself?" you said to him.

As a response, he finally nodded.

Sometimes you really worry for him, Draco always thinks that he can handle everything himself. What he really needs right now is time to relax.

You remembered that tomorrow is the Hogsmeade trip.

"Do you want to go to Hogsmeade with me tomorrow?" you asked.

Draco turns back to face you, smirking.

"Is my dear Lia asking me out on a date?" he said with a cocky tone as he closes your distance.

"Don't get ahead of yourself, blondie. I'm asking you to go with me because you need it." You tapped his nose.

He was dazed.


"Yes, you. You need to relax and have some fun. One day to forget everything is what you need." You hoped that he will agree and go with you.

You observed as he raised his arm and placed his hand on your head.

"Sorry, Lia. But I have something to take care of tomorrow. Maybe the next Hogsmeade trip?"

When he mentioned that he has to take care of something, you could see a hint of dispute within, like he was having an internal battle with himself, debating something you could never know.

"The next Hogsmeade trip." You said, giving up asking him what's on his mind.

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