43: Your Reason

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It has been two months since the war, Draco has been locked up in his home with his parents.

Things have finally started to settle down, the past two months has been basically trying to calm everything down and try to resolve everything that was important.

And now, his father and along with him had to face charges from the Ministry for their crimes.

Draco was beyond shocked when he saw his former rival came to help him testify and actually cleared him of his crimes.

As they walked out of the court, Draco turns to Harry.

"You're not going to say you don't need my help, are you?" Harry spoke up before he could say anything, with a smirk on his face.

"No..." Draco quickly denied it, he did think of it, but he never said it.

"I just wanted to say... thank you... But why?" He asked, not that he was doubting the boy who lived. But given their history together, Draco couldn't think of a reason for Harry to help.

"Someone asked me to help you." Potter honestly told him.

Harry didn't need to say who it was, for Draco has already figured out who.

You still love him. You clearly still cared for him.

"Did she say anything else?" Draco gave out a look that surprised harry.

He wasn't looking at Potter, instead, he was staring at the ground.

Harry looked down at Draco's hands, he was clenching them so tight that his entire hand turned white. He had a look on his face that was so desperate that if Harry actually knew where you were, Draco might just actually try to murder him just to get him to tell him your location.

Never in a million years that Harry thought he would have the privilege of seeing the bully of Hogwarts in such a state.

"You really have fallen hard, huh?" Harry commented on the blonde.

Draco turned around glaring at him, expecting to see a sly grin on the brunette's face.

Yet, he was greeted with a gentle smile, as if his rival was actually happy for him.

"What?" He asked.

"Nothing." Harry shrugged.

"And to answer your question..." Harry went back to the topic, making Draco tense up, nervous for the answer.

"No, she didn't say anything else." Harry glanced at Draco, seeing that he clearly was disappointed.

"But she didn't look so happy either. She looked... heartbroken." Harry said, recalling the memory.

"Then she shouldn't have let go." Draco said spitefully, earning a sad look from Harry.

"I don't think she wanted to, Malfoy." Harry quickly defended you.

"Then you tell me, why did she?" Draco questioned him, slightly raised his voice.

The Gryffindor sighed at the blonde who is seeming to lose his temper.

"I think she was worried that you would blame yourself if something had happened to your parents." Draco widened his eyes for a moment.

Was that really what you thought all this time?

"How do you know that?" Draco asked, wondering how did his sworn enemy know about something he didn't know about his girlfriend.

"When we went back after our sixth term, I went to have a little chat with her. I asked her why didn't she try and convince you to back out." Harry's statement also made Draco pondered.

Draco somehow knew that you understood the fact that there was no saving him from the burden placed upon him. But you would have at least tried since you knew that he was not willing to do his impossible mission.


Why didn't you ask him to back out?

"She said that she knew how it was to blame herself for her parent's death. So she never wanted you to experience what she had, also that you won't have to lose your mother and father." Harry explained the conversation he had with you at the Hogwarts express.


Actually makes sense when Draco thought about it.

You never talked about it but Draco knew what Potter said was actually true.

Of course, you wouldn't want him to go through what you did.

Why did it take him to listen to the one person he least expected to know why you did what you did?

Draco suddenly feels ashamed of himself.

Why did he think that you would let him go for any other reason?

That's not important now, he needs to find you.

He's done enough sulking for the past two months, searching his mind for the reason you let go.

"Do you know where she is?" he asks his final question.

Harry shook his head, giving his answer to the blonde. Which of course he was disappointed to find out.

"You didn't keep in touch with her?" Harry asked, his eyebrows tugged up, seems surprised to find out.

Draco looks away in shame.

He was trying to figure things out on his own without asking you himself.

Harry for one seems to have already read him like an open book.

He sighed, catching the Slytherins' attention.

"You're an idiot, Malfoy. You know that?" Harry just straight out said it, crossing his arms.

Draco only scoffed at his comment, but more to himself, he walked away not even bothering to say goodbye to the boy with glasses.

Draco had his mind set on finding you.

But unfortunately for him, the ordeal with his father and him being Death Eaters led them to have limited movement around the wizarding world.

Draco felt no different than when he was at Hogwarts after what happened with Dumbledore.

He was trapped and felt more like a prisoner than what his father promised he would be, a person with honour.

Just like the present, it was the complete opposite of that.

The only bright side right now would be that his father won't have to completely face all his charges since he declared that he would help with the arrest of the rest of the Death Eaters, to which Draco wasn't surprised at all. He knew that Lucius Malfoy would do anything to get out of the crimes he committed. And that would include betraying the ones that he called comrades of the same master.

And even though Draco was pardoned for his crimes after Potter helped testified forhim. He was still under house arrest so that the ministry can keep an eye forhim

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