40: His Nightmare

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Ever since that day, you two became closer than ever.

Draco now starts to avoid the Golden Trio entirely, because who knows what he would say when he sees them.

Things started to get a little hectic when Dumbledore was gone and Umbridge took over.

Everything that you were used to before completely changed, everything was restricted and tight. It was like your freedom at Hogwarts was taken. You couldn't even go to the lake like you used to anymore.

So, Harry, Hermione and Ron decided that because of the incompetent professor we had, they would organize to teach themselves Defence against the Dark Arts, which Hermione definitely did ask you to join.

You didn't want to get yourself in trouble so you refused her invitation, mostly because you knew that it would be hard to hide from Draco. But they were right about Umbridge, so you just proceeded to study by yourself from the books you found from the Hogwarts library.

But then Draco became a part of the Inquisitorial Squad...

You didn't object to it at first, seeing that he was proud of the position given to him. After a certain period of time, he became... mildly arrogant about it.

Okay, mildly is an understatement.

Draco became basically like how Crabbe and Goyle were with him, exactly like what we call a teacher's pet. Then, you heard that they were hunting down Harry's secret organization.

Draco did ask you about it, being the person you are, you honestly told him about Hermione's invitation and your rejection. So you didn't know where it was since you never joined. You never tried to find out either, since you had no interest in it.

After that, they were finally caught.

You literally facepalmed when you finally found out about the name they have given themselves, Dumbledore's Army. That was the worst name they could've come up with considering the Ministry was obviously trying to get rid of Dumbledore. Finding out what they were doing and their name would let everybody assume that it was Dumbledore pulling the strings.

And predictably, Dumbledore was blamed instead of Harry.

You found out later that Dumbledore escaped when the Ministry went to arrest him, and in style at that.

You could only grin at the news, knowing how mischievous the Headmaster was throughout the years, you could definitely say that it was so like him to do so.

Finally, it was time to take your OWLs.

As everyone knows, Fred and George crashed your exams and then opened a shop of their own.

But you vividly remembered at the time you ask yourself "Why am I not surprised?".

Because of Umbridge's rules, they couldn't do anything fun for the whole year. You were certain that they would burst and do something big. That was probably why you weren't at all surprised when you saw them flying into the Great Hall with their brooms with fireworks flying around.

After that was the event at the Ministry of Magic. You weren't there when it happened but the Ministry finally admitting that the Dark Lord has returned meant it was all just starting to happen.

And here you were, after the war, Harry going to surrender himself. After everything he fought for, he was going to raise the white flag to the enemy and let them kill him.

You really don't know what to do at this point.

What if the outcome takes a turn for worse?

What if Harry's sacrifice was for nothing?

What if Voldemort ends up winning the war?

Worst of all, what if you lose Draco because of this war?

Draco was watching you silently, your face was blank for a while. It was like you weren't thinking of anything and everything at the same time. But then, you had a small smile on your face.

For some reason, he was saddened by this. He could tell you were reliving some memories, but it made him wonder.

Were you trying to mentally prepare yourself for the worst?

Your shaky exhale was heard.

"What's wrong?" Draco quickly asked, making you turn your gaze from the ground.

"Nothing, I'm just... rethinking everything." You answered him honestly.

Draco waited for you to continue, not wanting to interrupt you.

"I remembered our fight." You almost sounded like you were fond of that memory.

"You sound like you liked that memory," Draco spoke your thoughts out, but with a smile on his face.

You laughed out at his statement.

"I don't." You murmured.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say we're soulmates." He brought up an unexpected topic, making you look at him weirdly.

"Why is that?" You asked, curiosity struck you from Draco's comment.

He looks back at you with an adoring gaze.

"You remember last night when I had a nightmare?" He mentioned.

You just nodded, listening intently. What he was about to say seemed important.

"It was about our fight... But it turned out very differently from what actually happened." He said, staring into space, remembering the horrible nightmare.

You could see that Draco clutched his hands, his fingers basically stabbing his palm.

You reached out to hold his hand, preventing him from actually hurting himself.

Draco snapped out of his trance as he felt you, spinning his head to meet your worried eyes.

His eyes softened at you, his hands wrapped themselves around yours.

"In my dream, we... never made up. I watched you... walking away from my life completely. I felt so lost... I wasn't complete anymore. I tried to apologize multiple times, but you always walked away in the same way, cold and heartless. You told me that you wished that you had never met me..." His voice shook, you could feel his grip on you shivering.

You were about to comfort him when a feeling struck you. This isn't all.

"Then, I went back to my miserable life. I lived without you through repairing the vanishing cabinet and Dumbledore's death. It led up until a battle, like this one today. I tried to find you, and... I did. But..." Draco closed his eyes, holding back from tears bursting out from his eyes, heart heavy from his fear.

"Voldemort..." His voice became weak, barely able to get his voice out without shaking. He paused and took a deep breath for a few seconds.

"killed you..." He finally got his words out.

A single tear has made its way down to his cheeks.

You release one of your hands from his grip and wiped it away. Draco's cheek naturally leaned into your gentle contact, one of his own hands came up to hold it while the other still holding onto your opposite hand that held his earlier.

"I'm right here, Draco. Still by your side. I won't be going anywhere." You said, your thumb stroking his skin. 

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