25: You're Here

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For months on end, Draco has been living in constant fear. With his family's living at the mercy of the Dark Lord and that Draco barely succeeded in completing his task, he and his family are at the edge of the cliff. One more mistake and his family will be pushed down the thousands of feet tall cliffs, to their deaths.

But compared to this, Draco was more worried about you. He heard from his mother the snatchers had already captured a lot of muggle-borns and imprisoned them in Azkaban.

It was driving him crazy that he didn't know if you were safe. He imagined countless scenarios of you, none of which he wanted to think about. He was so stressed out about this that he was having nightmares about it every night. And after one of those nightmares, he can't fall back asleep.

Tonight was like every other night he had since the start of the new term, he had a nightmare and he can't fall back asleep. One of the perks of being a Death Eater was that he could have his own room and not have anyone noticing him sneaking out.

Since December, Draco would roam the empty corridors to your and his spot by the Black lake. He would've gone to the Room of requirements just in case he would not be caught, but he knew that there are some other students hiding in there from the Carrow twins.

He sat down beneath the tree where you used to sit with him.

With how Draco was feeling lately, he couldn't relax at all. The only way he ever felt himself before was when he was with you. Now without you here, all he could do was think of you and missing you to calm himself. The music box you gave before Christmas helped at first, but over time it started to lose its effect on Draco.

He brushed the bracelet you gave him again for the thousandth time this month, caressing it while thinking of you. Just the thought of you brought a smile to his smile.

But then, he thought about you being captured by snatchers and being put in Azkaban.

He quickly shakes that thought out of his head.

The thought of you in danger really would only just bring his mood even down than it already is.

He believed that you would be just fine on your own.

But without any news from you only made him imagine more and horrible things that might happen to you.

He sighed loudly.

Draco stroked your bracelet again, trying to keep himself from thinking anymore.

Then, Draco heard a faint alarm for a distance, seeming to be coming from Hogsmeade.

He sighed again, he figured it must be another student escaping Hogwarts or someone sneaked in.

Now that the other Death Eaters are going to come out, he needs to get back to his dorm before they find him.


It was a day later since the alarm at Hogsmeade went off.

Draco heard that they found no one so they had to keep their guard up for a while.

He thought that tonight was safe to finally go out to the lake again.

He wandered through the dark hallways, where only his footsteps could be heard.

It was only his footsteps, until when he heard someone else's.

Draco paused, listening carefully if he had just imagined it.

He panicked when he realised that he didn't just imagine it.

He stood frozen there, not knowing what to do. The hallway back to his common room was long, he'd be immediately discovered if his running legs were heard. But staying here wouldn't do him any good either.

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