46: Hesitating

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"You need to stop worrying and just go look for her." Draco snapped out of his trance, hearing Blaise's voice.

He forgot for a moment that he was having lunch with Blaise, Theo, and also the golden trio.

Draco didn't answer him and just shrugged.

"He's right, you know. You're just going to waste time imagining things that aren't real." Hermione said.

Draco sighed, knowing the currently working in the ministry Hermione was right.

They brought up this topic multiple times by now and Draco could tell that they were getting annoyed at him.

They would've actually gone to you first, but all of them thought it would be better if Draco was the first to see you.

"Wait, how did you guys know what was I thinking?" Draco snapped his head up, realising their previous conversation, weren't you.

"You were holding her bracelet again." Ron said as he shoved his food into his mouth, his fingers pointed to Draco's hands, exactly like how Ron described.

Draco stroking your bracelet was something that happens very often at this point.

He couldn't help it though; it was the only piece of yourself that you left with him.

He hadn't made his move to find because his family and him because the ministry has been keeping a close eye on them, so Draco has a limited range of movement around the Wizarding World. It was only recently that his family has finally been granted permission to move around as they please.

Ever since then, his friends have been annoying him about finding you.

"I know..." Draco kept his gaze on your bracelet.

"You say that but you're still hesitating." Harry spoke up this time.

Draco sighed in defeat.

"Don't listen to your father, mate. You know that he doesn't care about anything but pureblood supremacy." Blaise told him, knowing what happened

"What happened with your father this time?" Ron curiously asked, which earned him a smack of newspaper to his head from Hermione who was reading it earlier.

"What was that for?" Ron shouted at her.

"For being rude!" She yelled right back at him.

"Sorry, Draco." She turns back to the blonde.

"It's fine. I don't care what he said."

"You don't seem like it." Theo immediately exposed his lie.

Making Draco turn his head glaring at him, to which Theo smirked at.

"Seriously though, what did he say?" Harry asked this time.

Everyone kept a cautious gaze on Draco.

He took a deep breath, mentally preparing to retell the memory to his friends.

"He was going to introduce me to another pureblood family. And then he mentioned about an..." Draco stopped his mouth, barely getting that hateful word out.

"He mentioned what?" Hermione asked.

"Don't tell me it's an engagement." Ron blurted out.

Harry and Hermione gasped at the idea. Sure, they've heard about it in the muggle world about the royals engaging with the other royals solely for the purpose of power. But the times have become modern and getting married for the sake of power had run out of fashion.

Yet again, the purebloods of the wizarding world are like the royals of the wizarding world.

Harry and Hermione's suspicions were then further proven when Blaise and Theo nodded their heads.

"He can't be serious!" Hermione exclaimed loudly.

"Your father did that knowing you love someone else?" Harry asked, making Draco look down at his bracelet again.

"Calm down, both of you. It's more common than you think. Technically speaking, the Weasleys and the Malfoys are actually related. Speaking of which, your family too, Harry." Ron spoke without even thinking, earning another shocked gasped from Harry and Hermione again.

Hermione smacked Ron's head again with her newspaper.

"You can't just say something like that!" Hermione scolded the redhead.

Blaise and Theo actually started laughing, breaking the tense atmosphere.

"I'm more surprised that you guys don't know, seeing you guys practically know everything about each other." Theodore said, wiping a tear-off.

"I would love to continue teasing them, but can we go back to the topic." Blaise looked back at Draco.

"Your father forcing you to get engaged to another girl is all the more reason to find her, Draco. If you just sit around here, you're going to spend the rest of your life with someone that isn't her." The air around suddenly becomes tense again.

Draco, shocked to see his best friend being so serious for once, stared in awe.

Everyone around stopped talking, mouths agape, but what Blaise said was true.

"He's right. You should find her soon before it's too late." Hermione unrolled the newspaper that she had been hitting Ron with.

"But how would I find her?" Draco finally said the one thing he should've said from the start.

The table was silent again, no one had any idea how they would find you. The muggle world was way bigger than the Wizarding World. If Draco just looked without any idea where to go, he would have to spend months roaming the streets of the United Kingdom.

"Would you look at that." Seizing everyone's attention, they turn to Hermione.

"What?" Ron and Harry that was sitting beside her looked to what caught her eyes.

Their eyes widened just like Hermione's.

"Draco..." Hermione mumbled out, not believing what she saw.

"What?" He frowned, repeating what harry and Ron said.

Hermione hesitantly handed him the newspaper.

Draco reacted the same way the trio did once he read the headline.


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