35: Hurt

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As soon as Draco was out of their sight, he started sprinting.

Ignoring the battle going on around him, he didn't stop to help anyone unless it's a life-threatening situation.

With each fight he passed, his heart pounded more heavily. His mind raced faster than he ever did experience, he could feel his breath became more and more panicked and faster, he couldn't tell whether it was from the running or because he was afraid that one of the bodies he passed through would be you.

Every turn he took; he didn't spot you anywhere. He didn't know if he should be glad that he couldn't find you on the battlefield fighting with your life at risk or devastated that he might never see you again.

He was at his breaking point; he could feel his own heartbeat beating so forcefully like it wants to leave his chest. He can't catch up to his own breaths anymore, everything happened in a blur. He didn't even process anything that happened around him, it was like he was fast and everything else was moving slowly.

Draco didn't even notice that when he saw someone pointing their wands at another person lying on the ground, he instinctively turned around, aiming his wand at the attacker and simply stunned him.

After he was done, Draco turned around, continued running as nothing happened.

As he ran through the corridors, he could feel himself wanting to break down at any moment. He couldn't find you anywhere.

Then, everything stopped, Draco couldn't hear anything anymore. His heart that was once pounding so hard, wasn't heard anymore. His brain stopped working, Draco couldn't think anymore.

Fenrir Greyback, holding a girl wearing a Slytherin Quidditch sweatshirt by the neck, suffocating her.

"You can cast spells without your wand. I'm sure the Dark Lord would be very interested to keep a prize like you," he growled.

Draco could feel his heart burning with rage, every inch of his body filled with boiling blood. Without hesitation, he cast the cruellest curse he could think of, the cruciatus curse.

"Crucio!" He yelled, standing in place.

How dare he consider you a prize for the Dark Lord?

How dare he thought of you as an object to be gifted?

The werewolf howled in pain, suffering from the unbearable pain, he dropped you to the ground.

As soon as you hit the ground, you were on your knees, coughing your lungs out.

You look around to see Draco stood in his spot, casting the same curse over and over again.

You couldn't even begin to describe what Draco looked like then, his face had no emotion. You looked over to Fenrir Greyback, he already passed out from the immense pain but Draco was still going.

You barely got any energy to even talk, but you pushed yourself up from the ground and limp towards Draco.

Draco was casting his spell mindlessly; he wasn't even aware of what he was doing. In his mind, it was just an image of the werewolf on the ground and him repeating the same word over and over again.

It was like someone else took control of his body and he did nothing to stop it.

Fenrir Greyback deserved it, for all the crimes he committed, for all his sins that he escaped with, but most of all...

Hurting you.

Then suddenly, his view blurred, Draco didn't even have time to realise it was his head that was turned. Suddenly, a face came into view. Draco could barely make out that the person in front of him was telling him something. But he couldn't concentrate, he could barely tell who was it.

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