3: Katie Bell

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You ended up going to Hogsmeade with Luna. Hanging out with Luna was actually nice, unlike all your other friends who always judge you for being friends with the Slytherin Prince. But your time with Luna was cut short when a certain Gryffindor joined your duo.

"Hello, Nevile." Luna greeted the Gryffindor.

"H-hey L-Luna." Nevile stuttered.

You quickly took note of the seemingly nervous Gryffindor, looks like somebody has a crush on the dreamy blonde.

"I'll head to honeydukes first. You both take your time." You said leaving two of them alone. Before you completely disappear from sight, you gave Nevile an encouraging smile as he gave back a grateful smile.

In the end, you ended up alone like you always do. After scrolling through the books section for an hour, you finally found a book you wanted and started to head back to Hogwarts.

You stopped in your tracks when you see a figure floating in thin air. A second later she was dragged across the air towards the left and right, even the ground. You were terrified by the sight in front of you. Only a few seconds later it died down with the girl on the ground. Hagrid later came and brought the girl back to Hogwarts. By the time you got back to your dorm, you were still shivering in fear.

It wasn't until the next day that you learned that the girl's name was Katie Bell. This news spread around the school, even the fact that Harry think it was Draco spread. Of course, everyone has their suspicions.

You were on your way to class when Harry stopped you.

"Merlia! Wait!" he called.

"Yes, Harry? What do you need me for?" you turn around and asked.

"Do you know what Malfoy is up to?" Thankfully no one was around at the time.

"What do you mean?" You know where this conversation is going, but you acted innocent.

"I think it's him that cursed Katie bell."

"I know, everyone knows." You said in an attempt to snap at him.

"Do you know what he's up to recently?" he asked again.

"How would I know?"

"But, you're his best friend, surely you noticed how weird he was acting recently."

"Of course, I did. But he didn't tell me anything."

"And you don't think that he's up to no good?"

You lost your patience and retorted.

"Listen, Harry. I don't think it's any of your business what's he's up to." You held yourself back from going full-on shouting at him

"His father is a Death Eater! He's bound to join them!" he shouted back at you.

"Draco's not his father, Harry!" You finally raised your voice to the fullest.

Harry was stunned that you yelled. He had never heard you raise your voice before. You really hated people that judged other people just because of someone related to them instead of getting to know them first. But still, with how Draco acted, it's hard not to assume so.

You took a deep breath, calming yourself down.

After letting out a long sigh, this is what you told him.

"Harry, I know Draco hasn't been the nicest person to hang out with the past few years. But with his father Azkaban, he hasn't been himself lately. And......" You hesitated to admit the last part because if you did, you would have to admit it to yourself.

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