10: Grief

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Draco decided that he would stay away from you after Christmas break, this way he could keep you away from his 'family business'. He was supposed to do that since the start of the year, but he couldn't. So, he finally made up his mind to keep you away from himself. He decided to ignore your letters and you later when you went back to Hogwarts.

But surprisingly, Draco didn't receive any of your letters for the first week. Usually, you would have sent a letter already to him.

Did something happen to you? Were you upset with him?

Multiple scenarios played in Draco's mind, all of them he hated to think about.

But it kind of was what he needed you to do, to ignore him and stay away. Now, you won't get involved with him and get yourself in danger.

Even though Draco knew he's hurting himself for doing this, but he does not regret it. Because by doing this, you would be safe.


Draco ends up never getting any of your letters for the rest of the break. He wasn't really bothered by it since he thought that it was going as he planned.

When he didn't see you at the Great Hall, he just shrugged thinking maybe you just went somewhere else. He has also gone out of his way to avoid going to the Black Lake since he knew that was your favourite spot even though it was his too. He even evaded going the corridors and going the longer ways to his classes just to not see you.

And just like that, he successfully avoided you for two weeks, or so he thought. It wasn't until the golden trio came to him that he finally realized something was wrong.

"Malfoy!" Harry called him.

Draco turned back with a disgusted look.

"What do you want, Potter?" He said with a hateful tone.

"Do you know what happened to Merlia?" Harry asked the blonde.

This caught Draco's attention. Why would they ask if something happened to you?

"Why? What's wrong with her?" he asked, worried.

The three looked at him with wide eyes, surprised that he didn't know.

"You don't know?" Hermione asked.

Draco raised an eyebrow.

"Know what?" he said, now confused about what they are talking about.

Harry and Hermione hesitated to tell him before the clueless Weasley blurted the truth to him.

"Merlia didn't come back to Hogwarts," Ron revealed.

"What?" Draco yelled, surprised to hear the news.

"We even sent her letters but she didn't respond to them," Hermione explained the situation.

Draco fell deep in thought.

Did something really did happen to you?

Will you come back?

Would he see you again?

Are you safe?

Are you alive?

More and more questions pop up in Draco's head, but none of them could be answered for him.

Then, Harry spoke up, knocking him out of his head.

"How do you not know about this? You're her best friend." Harry told him as if criticizing him.

Draco, now not in the mood to argue, opened his mouth to say something. But, he held back and turned away leaving the trio.

For a whole month, Draco lived in constant worry. He wanted to send a letter to make sure you were alright, but he made a promise to himself so that he won't talk to you after Christmas break. He could only hope that you were safe and sound.

It wasn't until in late February you finally showed up in Hogwarts. It was a relief for everyone missing you, but... you looked like you were...


Your friends tried to ask you what was bothering but you didn't answer any of them, not even the golden trio.

Of course, when you came back, Draco was relieved to see you, alive. He also noticed how depressed you look, but... he didn't think to approach you and make sure you were alright since he made a promise to keep you away from himself and he plans to keep it that way.

Not that you noticed anyway, you seemed like you were too busy being depressed.

You were reading in the library, trying to keep your mind away from whatever was bothering you.

It finally took Hermione to corner you at the library and force you to talk about it.

It pains you to talk about it, but you know for a fact that she was right.

"So? What is it?" Hermione spoke up.

You teared up remembering what happened.

"It's..." you bite your lips, trying not to cry when you talked about it.

"You can tell me, Ames." Hermione pushed you a little, afraid you might pull back again, just like the last few times she and your other friends tried to ask you.

You swallowed the lump from your throat and told her what happened to you.

Just right before Christmas, your parents decided to take you and your siblings on holiday, to take their time off from performing but also mostly trying to spend time with you and the rest of the family, without your suffocating grandmother of course.

You and your family were in the car on the way to the holiday mansion your parents bought, you always spend your holidays there with your family. So it's basically a family tradition to go back to the mansion for the holidays, it's the same for this year.

However, on the way there, you got into a car crash. Your whole family was admitted to the hospital, you had a concussion and was unconscious in the hospital for a few days. When you woke up, you were given the most devastating news.

"My parents died in the crash." You told Hermione.

"I'm so sorry, Ames" Hermione gave you a hug.

You hold your tears from falling. You've been crying for a month straight; you refuse to cry again.

After that you felt a little better, finally told someone what you've been refusing to talk about. But you were still grieving, you talked less than you did before. You looked like you didn't have the energy to do anything, you even stopped playing your violin even though you brought it with you.

Draco got more worried over time, he went out of his way to check at the black lake if you were there, playing your violin. But, you were never there. Playing the violin was your way of venting your emotions. Seeing that you were never there, Draco knew you were bottling everything. It was a matter of time until the bottle that was holding everything in would break. 

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