12: Nightmare

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You woke up the next day with a fever, you had to stay at the hospital wing with Madan Pomfrey until your fever comes down.

Cho and the others were so worried about you, except for Hermione, she knew this was going to happen eventually.

Luna came and check on you throughout the day with Hermione. Hermione knew what was wrong unlike everyone else, and of course, you asked her not to tell anybody. But you were sure that Hermione at least has already told Luna, Ron and Harry. Since all of them looked at you with pity in their eyes.

Last night, you could vaguely remember the nightmare you had about the car crash that caused your parent's death, again. But surprisingly, the nightmare ended pretty quickly and you got enough sleep for one night.

The next two days, you stayed with Madam Pomfrey because your fever never seem to cool down. Your nightmare continues to come to haunt you every night, making it even worse.

They didn't end fast like your first night in the hospital wing, they were like any other nightmare you've been having ever since the crash, traumatic and heart-breaking.

Tonight was no different than the others, your nightmares came haunting again.

You were in the car with your family, on the way to the holiday mansion, again. You knew what was coming, you wanted to warn what was going to happen. You opened your mouth to speak, but nothing came out, again...

You even tried to get up to reach the steering wheel, but it was like you were strapped to your seat. You couldn't move, you could only watch as the accident occur, again...

The car was crashed and flipped, you could feel yourself bump your head to the window and the car ceiling multiple times as the car rolled and pounced. At this moment, you felt your nightmares were going to come true.

When the car finally came to a stop, you managed to open your eyes from the blood dripping from your head.

You see your parents, bloodied from the bruises and wounds all over their bodies. You turn to see your siblings, in the same state as your parents.

You start to search for your wand, but... you couldn't find it...


You slowly fade into the darkness, unable to save your parents, whom you knew is going to die in the near future...

You open your eyes to find your parents standing in front of you.

You were overwhelmed with emotion, to see your parents standing in front of you, alive.

Before you could say anything, your parents spoke first.

"You could've saved us..." Your father told you.

You froze.

"And yet you didn't." Your mother said.

Your guilt rose within seconds.

"N-No, I-I didn't m-mean to." Your voice cracked, shaking with tears threatening to fall.

"You watched us die, just like that." Your father spoke again.

"We raised you. How could you leave us to death like that?" So did your mother.

"You don't deserve to be our child."

"I regret giving birth to you."

"I hope you rot in hell."

"You're not my child, you are a filthy witch."

You felt your heart was as if it was struck by a thousand blades. You could feel your nails dig into your palms.

You didn't deny anything they said.

To you, they were true.


You opened your eyes again, you were met with the ceiling of the hospital wing.

There was sweat on your forehead and you were out of breath.

As you huff for air, you tried to comprehend what happened as your tears already let themselves fall freely from your eyes.

After you realize it was the same usual nightmare, you felt you were trapped in this endless loop. You wanted it to be over but it keeps coming back to you.

You've been enduring your nightmares for months and you've had enough of it.

But, you deserved it. You couldn't save your parent even though you were a witch. You had the capability, and yet you couldn't save them.

You wrap your legs in front of your chest, crying. Your sobs echoed around the empty hospital wing.

You wished all of this could just end here. You wished you could just have stopped feeling like this. You wished that you could forget what happened. You wished that you weren't a witch so that you don't feel this way.

You turn and found your violin lying on the table beside your hospital bed.

Without thinking, you got up from your bed, grabbed your violin and stormed out of the hospital wing.


Tonight was like any other night; Draco was done for the night fixing the vanishing cabinet. And just like usual, he has only made little progress. He has been delaying fixing the cabinet and he was supposed to continue fixing it throughout the night. But he couldn't care less about the cabinet right now, he doesn't want to go anywhere near the cabinet.

He's disgusted by the cabinet because it's a reminder of what he has to do and what he will do. Right now, he can't stand the cabinet. He wants to go far away from it, this way he feels far away from his fate. Going back to his house wasn't far enough for him to not feel disgusted by the cabinet. He needs to go somewhere very far; he couldn't bear the fact the cabinet was near even though it's seven floors away from him. So, he thought of the Black lake.

The Black lake was outside of the school so it's perfect for him. Usually, he would have thought of the possibility of you being there and he would turn back because he didn't want you to see him.

But this time, he figured that probably no one would be there since he knew you were sick in bed at the hospital wing.

He was desperate to get away from the cabinet so he rushed there, not noticing the soft music as he got closer and closer.

Then, he paused.

Finally heard the familiar sound of the violin.

He knew who was it.

He turns his head to go back to his common room.

But he didn't.

He turns back in the direction of the lake, focusing on the music.

The music was... depressing.

Music was how you express yourself and that, to Draco, was what you were feeling

He got closer to get a better look at you.

You were by the tree, playing your violin. From afar, Draco could see your face, tear-stained and droplets of tears rolling down your face.

His heart breaks at this sight of you. for years that he had known you, you were never this vulnerable in front of him. You were always wise, calm and collected. He has never seen you lose your composure before.

Then, the music stopped, pulling Draco out of his mind and making him look at you again.

This time, you were on the ground, your violin beside you. You had your legs pressed against your chest and your arms wrapping around them. You were crying your heart out. Your sobs echoed around the school.

Now, your sobs were the only thing Draco can hear.

Before he even knows it, all his resolution to stay away from you broke. His feet have already carried him halfway towards you.

He didn't care anymore; he just knew that you needed him right now. 

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