4: Slughorn's party

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Being the smart Ravenclaw you are, you were invited to Professor Slughorn's party. If you were being honest, you didn't want to go. After attending various balls and parties with your parents and other celebrities, you came to learn that you want no part in it. Being in a room full of other people made you feel suffocating, you always felt like you were trapped. You wanted to reject the potions professor's invitation, but he insisted that you come. You are more troubled at the fact that you have to bring a date.

You were reading your book by the Black lake but you can't help being reminded of the Slug Club.

You let out a loud sigh.

"What's wrong?" you heard.

You turn back to see Draco. There were bags under his eyes, his complexion was paler than usual. He has been this way since the start of the year and you still can't get him to tell you what's wrong. Since you can't get him to tell you what's wrong, every time both of you meet up at the black lake you made him sleep. If he didn't, you would force him. Although, you have never forced him before since he always fell asleep before you could do that.

You sighed again.

"Professor Slughorn's Christmas party. Professor Slughorn insisted that I go. And to top that off, I have to bring a date!" you yelled frustratingly.

You hear him laughed as he sits down beside you.

"I really don't want to go." You complained again.

"Then, don't. I thought you hated parties." He just simply said. Of course, you also told him about your family's social standing and the parties you had to go to because your grandmother needs to brag about her grandchild's talent in violin.

"I do! But I can't just bail on a professor!"

"You could just tell him that you had some business to take care of." He said again.

"Draco!" you lightly pushed his shoulders. He just laughed at you as you huffed another sigh.

"I've been to many parties already anyway, what's one more?" you caved in, there's no way you could come up with a good excuse.

"What about your date?" he asked.

"I'll just go by myself. I asked Luna, but apparently, Harry asked her already."

"I could go with you if you want." He suggested.

You look at him, surprised. You never thought he would be willing to offer you as your date, considering the fact that he already looks dreadful and tired.

"But you hate parties." You said, still couldn't believe your ears. You know Draco hates parties just as much as you did.

"And you need a date." He said reaching his hand out.

"And you need some rest. Going to a party with me will just harm your body more."

"Do I look like I have rested in months?" he bites back.

"No, and that's why you need rest."

"Does it look I'm going to rest anytime soon?" he has a point. You have been pestering him about this, but he almost never got any rest. It got until the point you had to push his head to your lap and force him to sleep. But that was probably the only time he ever rested since you never saw him with a better complexion than after he slept on your lap.

"So, what will it be? Will the lady be attending the ball alone or she will be accepting the gentlemen's offer?" Draco said with a civilized tone. A tone you knew too well from the balls your grandmother brought you.

You look down to see his hand still waiting for you. You knew that you can't change Draco's mind, he's the most persistent person you knew. As you exhaled loudly, you put your palm in his.

"Looks like you got yourself a date." You said teasing him.

"Lucky me." He said chuckling.

Almost immediately after he said that he started yawning. You frowned.

"How much sleep did you get last night?" you asked glaring at him. He quickly looks away, obviously, he didn't get much sleep. He promised you he would get enough rest, but it always ended like this. His reaction already tells you his answer.

You sighed and get in position for him. He turns to look at you and see you patting your lap.

This time, he's the one who sighed. He gives in and lied his head on your lap. He knew there's no point in fighting with you because he knows whatever you say would be true.

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