24: Stuck

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You missed Draco so much back at home. It has gone to the point until you can't concentrate on anything.

Your siblings obviously noticed and asked you. And you, of course, told them about Draco. But you never told them about the part that the wizarding world is about to conquer by the Dark Lord and that Draco is one of them.

If you did, you probably won't be able to go back for the next term.

You knew that if you went back for the next term, you would be in danger since it would probably be swarmed by Death Eaters.

But you want to go back and make sure that Draco is still alive and safe. You would risk your own safety to go back and find him, even if you weren't sure if Draco would be at the school by next term.

Your grandmother had taken you to perform in a variety of places, you were even brought to balls and parties to make connections. But those things you hated didn't make you forget about Draco, not even once.

You waited patiently for September to come so that you can go back to Hogwarts.

Just one week before you would go back to Hogwarts, your grandmother approached you.

"When were you going to tell me the truth?" she suddenly asked.

You were puzzled.

The truth about what?

"What do you mean?" You asked her confusingly.

"That the wizarding world is in chaos." She spoke, shocking you.

Usually, people outside the wizarding world never hears anything about the wizarding world even if they know that it exists.

You didn't know how your grandmother found out, but you knew that going back to Hogwarts would be hard now.

"How did you know?" You asked out of curiosity, there was no point in hiding it anymore. You knew she won't believe you no matter what you say.

"You don't need to know how I knew. But you must know that you are not going back to Hogwarts next week." Your grandmother said strictly.

You were not going to listen to your grandmother this time, you need to go back and find Draco.

"I'm going back." You said with great determination.

"No, you are not." She denied your declaration.

"I don't care what you say." You told her and stormed back into your room.


A week later, the time for you to go to the Kings Cross station arrived.

You were dragging your luggage with you on your way to doors, but you were stopped by your grandmother.

"I'm going to be late, grandmother." You said, glaring at her.

"I told you that you won't be going to Hogwarts." She declared.

"And I told you that I won't listen." You told her, anger raging inside you.

"Then I suppose I have no other choice." She suddenly said.

The front door bursts open and a dozen men in gear entered your home.

You instinctively took out your wand, pointing it to your grandmother.

But you were too slow when one of the men in black quickly took your wand and your arms were quickly restricted when two other men grabbed them.

"Let me go." You tried to struggle against their grip but their grasp on you was so strong that it hurts whenever you tried to break free.

You watched as the man that snatched your wand handed it to your grandmother.

Without even hesitating, your grandmother snapped your wand in half.

"No!" you yelled.

Your wand was your last resort if you couldn't get away from your grandmother.

But now with your wand torn in half, you had no way of leaving for Hogwarts.

"How could you?" You asked her with a cracking voice.

"I'm trying to keep you safe." She said heartlessly.

"You're only ruining my life." You fought back.

"If I let you go back you would be killed." She raised her voice.

"As if you care! You only want me to continue the family tradition!" You bit back at her.

It was as if you hit a nerve, you could see your grandmother was furious.

She turns her back at you and ordered the men holding you still to lock you in your room.

Your hopes to return to Hogwarts for Draco were crushed.


Meanwhile, in Hogwarts, Draco watched as the muggle borns' wands snapped in half and then imprisoned in Azkaban. Only the half-bloods and purebloods were left untouched by the Death Eaters

Draco didn't know how to feel at the moment, he didn't see you at the train and assumed you didn't come back. He had hoped that he would see you if he had returned to Hogwarts, but his wish didn't come true when he couldn't find you anywhere.

But now looking at what happens to the muggle-borns, he didn't know if he was happy that you didn't come back.

But at least, you were safe from the horrible school Hogwarts has now become.


It has been months since Draco's seventh term has started and he had already lost count of how many people had already left Hogwarts in the span of 3 months.

The current DADA professors are Amycus and Alecto, the twin Death Eaters who took the liberty to use new punishments. Inflicting wounds on students and even using the Cruciatus Curse. Even though these punishments were objected to by the other professors, they didn't even budge to consider changing their punishment system.

Draco was despised by everyone at Hogwarts since they knew he was and still is a Death Eater. Even though Draco was known to be one of the Death Eaters, but the fact that he was unable to kill Dumbledore only made his time in the already dreadful Hogwarts worsen. The death eaters mocked him, called him a coward and just like his father. He was disliked by both sides, making him having no one that he could rely on. And the only one he ever thought that he could rely on, Lia, was not here.

You were the only one who ever understood why he did anything. No one ever knew him as you did. And now that you were not by his side, there was no one there to understand him. Draco would sometimes catch himself stroking the bracelet you gave him when he missed you.

But he couldn't be happier that you weren't here, the muggle-borns who came back to Hogwarts were sent to Azkaban. But then again, he heard from his mother that snatchers were sent out to hunt down muggle-borns and blood traitors. He prayed to Merlin that they would never find you. He had already heard about multiple blood traitors and muggle-borns have been arrested. Some just like the students were imprisoned in Azkaban, however, some others were killed.

Draco was stuck here, there was no way he could leave without anyone noticing. He could only hope that the snatchers wouldn't find you. And if they did, Draco has every bit of faith in you that you would be able to protect yourself just fine. You're a Ravenclaw, you are smart enough to find your way out no matter what situation you were in.


You would be constantly practising with your violin and immersing yourself in books to distract yourself from missing Draco too much. But they never worked.

You were locked in your room for some time now. You would try to sneak out, but without your wand, it would be impossible to even make it to Hogwarts. So you gave up for now.

But, you won't give up forever, for that you had planned.

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