5: First meeting

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Only after a few seconds of laying down, you found him staring at you.

"What are you staring for, Malfoy?" you asked.

He closes his eyes as if he finally relaxes, he just smiled at your question.

"What?" Seeing him smile also made you smile.

"Why do you always help me?" he asked, his voice was much softer than usual. As if he couldn't believe that there was someone that cared for him as if he thought that you knew better than to help someone like him.

You stare down at him, surprised that he asked you this question.

"What do you mean why? I'm your best friend, Draco. I care about you, that's why I always check up on you. Why do you think I would do that?" you asked, knowing that he doubted something when he asked you that question.

"I'm a horrible person, Lia. You're a Ravenclaw, you should know better than to being friends with me. Did you forget how I treated you when we first met? I was horrible to you." he said it so naturally as if it was a perfectly normal thing to say.

"Yeah. You were an ass." You said while also laughing lightly and he chuckles with you.

Your mind flashes to when both of you first met.

It was a normal day in your fourth year, you were playing your violin by the black lake when you felt a gaze, as usual. You have been feeling someone watching you recently whenever you played, but you paid no mind to it since you were used to it by now. You didn't know who was watching but you continued nonetheless. At first you were nervous, but after a while when you realise that that person won't be doing anything to you, you carried on with your playing.

You didn't know at the time that the person watching you was the famous Slytherin Prince, Draco Malfoy. Ever since Draco found out that his father will have to resume his position as a Death Eater, he has been feeling restless. He was wandering around the corridors alone when he heard music.

Weirdly, no one heard the quiet music as they were too busy with their own business. Curiosity got the better of him and before he knew it, his legs were carrying him on their own towards the music.

As he got closer, he figured that the music was coming from a violin. The closer he got to the Black Lake, he saw a girl by the tree holding a violin. He recognized that the girl was Amorlia Sierre, you.

Draco has heard of you but only a little since most of the rumours consists of Harry Potter. But he also hasn't heard anything about you knowing how to play the violin. So, he stayed to observe you more.

Somehow, the music you played calmed him from his anxiety. He felt that his body was lighter, like a huge weight has been lifted from his shoulders. He found himself wanting to listen more when he saw you looking around, clearly noticing his gaze. But thankfully, he was behind another tree that you can't see him.

It wasn't until 3 days later when he heard your music again, he found you at the Black Lake again. He didn't approach you this time either. Instead, he just stayed behind the same tree he did 3 days ago. He just watched as you played, your music calmed him again. For a second, he forgets about all that was troubling him. He thought that you were beautiful with the violin, he couldn't help but keep his eyes on you, he felt drawn to you. But it didn't last long when you noticed someone's gaze at you again. Like the last time, you didn't see anyone.

Draco continued to come to hear you play when he found out that you come to the Black Lake pretty regularly. Every time he came to the Black Lake and you would always be there.

At first Draco thought it was music that he needed to help him, but he was wrong. It was the fact that you played that helped him, he also thought he would get over it very soon, but he didn't.

This went on for about a month until one night, Draco finds himself couldn't sleep. He decided to take a walk around the school when he heard the familiar sound of the violin. He knew immediately who was it, he didn't need to follow the music to know where you were. He found you again by the edge the Black Lake, but this time the music was sad. He caught himself worrying about you, never in a million years that he would find himself concerned for a muggle born.

Before he knew it he found himself walking towards you, finally making the decision of approaching you.

"What are you doing up at this hour, Mudblood?" he asked in a hostile tone.

You look back to see Draco Malfoy, the bully of Hogwarts. He just smirked at you, as if telling you that you were in big trouble.

However, he didn't expect you to smirk back at him.

"I could ask you the same thing, Malfoy." You replied smartly.

"I'm asking the question, Mudblood! Now answer my question!" he barks back. He knows that he was being a jerk, but he didn't want to ruin his reputation by asking nicely.

Yet, he didn't know that you knew that it was all an act he put up to satisfy his other Slytherin friends.

You scanned him like you were trying to figure him out, even though you pretty much have already figured him out completely.

"You know you could drop the act, Malfoy. You don't have to put up the act around me, I can see through it." What you said caught him by surprise. He didn't expect to be exposed by a muggle-born. 

"W-What are you talking about?" he stuttered at first but he regained his composure quickly.

Little did he know you grew up with people like him. You learned how to deal with people like Draco very early on since you were always with these kinds of people.

"I know it's all an act, Malfoy. You can drop it. I won't judge you for it." You said simply while casually keeping your violin to its case.

"I think you're getting ahead of yourself, Mudblood." He said calmly, but he was confused inside. How did she know?

"I grew up with people like you, Malfoy. I can figure you out easily." You smiled cunningly at him while standing up with your violin case in hand.

You apparently caught his interest. He smirked back at you.

"Be careful from now on, Mudblood. You have successfully caught my attention." He said to you as you walked away.

This statement was obviously meant something bad for you, but being the person you are, you are intrigued by it.

You turn your head back but still with your back facing him.

"Can't wait, Malfoy." You answered slyly with a smirk on your face. 

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