27: Exhausted

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It was morning in a split second, that was the quietest night Draco has ever slept in months. Usually, in the middle of the night, Draco would have already woken up from a nightmare. But with you by his side, he was finally woken up in the morning like the old days, before all the chaotic stuff with Voldemort.

And there you were.

Still sleeping peacefully by his side.

Draco couldn't be more thankful that you came here knowing that your life will be at risk, all for him.

He decided that he wouldn't let anything happen to you, not when he's by your side.

But, he can't protect you forever.

He frowned at the fact that he didn't know how he would be able to keep you safe with the dark side taking over.

Then Draco realized something.

The reason you would be in danger was only because of the side he was on.

Voldemort wouldn't even begin to even consider the thought of having muggle-borns within his army.

So even if Draco begged him to let you go, it would only be worse if You-Know-Who knew of your existence and how precious Draco holds you in his heart. You would be Voldemort's trump card for using Draco to do anything he wants.

And if you know who and his army of Death Eaters ever was to ever win against Potter. You would be in danger again even after he hid you in his dorm safely for a long period of time because eventually, he would have to graduate from Hogwarts.

And when that time was to come, he would still have to leave you.

The only way you would be completely safe was if the dark lord was defeated.

So he decided that he would fight for you, to at least give everyone to have a chance against the Dark Lord.

And hopefully, to save you from experiencing whatever the world would become if the Dark lord wins this war.

Draco hugs you by your waist, pulling you closer to him and pressing his lips on your head.

The sudden motion woke you up, making you slowly open your eyes.

"Morning." He greeted, noticing that you're awake, voice gentle.

"Morning." You replied, snuggling closer to him, another voice that sounds exactly you had just woken up, which you just did.

Draco chuckled at your action.

Both of you stayed that way for a few moments longer.

"I need to get to class." He whispered.

You just nodded against his chest, clearly still not having the energy to wake up.

Draco silently chuckled.

He slowly got up from his bed, trying not to wake you up from your sleeping trance.

"Love you..." He heard before he completely got off from his bed.

He smiled adoringly at you even though you can't see it.

He gave your head one last kiss.

"Love you too." He told you before leaving to his dreadful classes.


For once in months, he was actually excited about something.

He couldn't wait to return to his dorm and finally be with you.

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