51: Stay

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Draco was as still as stone, his mind was blank, not knowing what to do with you awake now.

He should've expected it knowing you were a light sleeper.

You blinked your eyes a few more times as Draco just watched you nervously.

It took a few more blinks for Draco to know that you had a clear mind and not drowsiness.

"You came again..." Draco froze by your words.


What did you mean by again?

"You look real this time..." Draco feels your cold touch by his cheeks. But he didn't move as his mind scrambled for answers as to the reasons for your previous words.

"You feel real too..." He could feel you're when he heard what you said. your thumb stroking his cheeks, but he got even more confused.

What did you by that this time?

Then, a thought hit him.

You can't mean...

"Have my hallucinations gotten worse? I can't tell if this is fake anymore..." Draco could tell you were too exhausted to focus on what you were talking about, but what you said just confirmed his suspicions.

"I'm here, Lia..." Draco quickly said to assure that he's actually.

To which, you denied immediately.

"No, you're not. You're just an illusion I made up." Draco's heart ached when he heard your voice broke. You obviously wanted him here but didn't want to get your hopes up.

Draco lost his words for what he needed to say.

"Lie down with me." Your plead made Draco return back to you from his blank mind.

"Lia... I need to-" He quickly said, desperately wanting to tell you everything.

"Please..." But he was cut off with your plead, he could make out tears at the corners of your eyes.

"Just for tonight. I don't care if you're just an illusion or real anymore. Just for one night, I'll pretend that you're real and that I don't have to push you away just because I know that you're not real." A tear made its way down your face, making Draco's need to explain vanish.

Draco decided that he'll do whatever you asked of him for now and that him confessing to you could come later.

He nodded and laid down beside you. What he didn't expect was you pushing yourself to be within his arms and against his chest just like how you used to do when you were hiding in his dorm at Hogwarts. His head was above yours and he could tell you were breathing him in knowing how much his scent comforted during your time at Hogwarts.

But when he breathed in yours, his eyes widen. You didn't smell like how you used to anymore, instead, you smelled like lavender now. But what shocked him most of all, he could smell the hint of apples and mint.

Draco didn't need to think to know why you smelled like him. He instantly knew why you did.

That only made him pull you closer to him than you already were.

Draco fought back tears.

"I'm so sorry, Lia... I should've come to you sooner..." Draco murmured as he leaned down to kiss your head.

You already dozed back to sleep so you didn't hear any of it.

Draco swore to himself that he would never leave again. Despite how many times he had already broken this promise; he would make sure that this time would count. 

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