8: A Good Night

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As you walked closer, Draco didn't seem to notice at all. He was lost in thought, so much so until it was like he was holding his breath.

Draco jumped a little when you put your hand on his shoulder, but he relaxes when he sees that it's you.

"Why aren't you at the party?" he asked.

As if it wasn't obvious already, you had to answer him, because he clearly isn't in the mood to think.

"I got worried when you didn't come back, I had to ask your best friend Potter to find out where you went," you said, clearly attempting to tease him using his rivalry with Harry.

But Draco wasn't in the mood to say anything, he was silent.

"What happened back there?" you asked, acting like you don't know.

Once again, he stayed silent. He was ignoring your questions, clearly didn't want to answer them. But when you look at his eyes, there were hints of fear, along with frustration and guilt.

Draco was afraid of failing the task that was given to him, if he does he will put his parent's lives in danger. And if you-know-who learns about you, you would be in danger too. Draco has been telling himself to distance himself from you ever since his time to become a death eater getting close. But you somehow always draw yourself back to him.

He's frustrated that he couldn't do anything about this situation, he wanted you to stay away after hearing the rumours about his father and the one about him being a death eater. But you didn't care about the rumours and still stuck to his side. He knew very well that you understood the fact that his father is a death eater, he knows that you probably have already figured something yourself. But despite all that, you still think that he's innocent and don't think that he will be just like his father. He's frustrated that he couldn't get you to stay away from him, instead both of you somehow just got closer. If he doesn't quickly figure a way to keep you away, your life will be in grave danger.

He's also guilty for keeping his secret from you, he knew that you have been worrying about him for these past few months about him, but he couldn't bear to tell you, afraid that you will think differently about him. You did tell him once that if he was one of them, you won't change your mind about him. But he was still insecure about telling you, fearing that you wouldn't keep your words.

Draco felt your hand on his arm.

"Do you want to be alone?" you asked, he looked like he needed some time alone to think.

Before you could pull away, he brought his hand to yours that was on his arm.

"No, stay. I could use some company." Even after you sat down, Draco still kept his hand on yours. It was like he was afraid if he let go, you would leave him.

You tried to start a conversation to break the silence.

"You know; this Christmas party reminds me of the Yule Ball." You said and watched as he took your hand that was originally on his arm to his lap into his other hand.

He casually played with your it as you continued.

"I remember watching you dancing with Pansy, you looked miserable." You laughed, and for the first time tonight, he did too.

"I was. She was insufferable." He agreed

"For the whole night, she bothered me to no end. I almost strangled her right then and there at the Yule Ball."

"Why did you brought her anyway?" You asked.

"It just seemed like a good idea at the time. I regretted it after when she was complaining for the whole night while also attaching herself to me." He furrowed his brow remembering that night.

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