44: Hogwarts Letter

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Draco was very surprised when he received a letter from Hogwarts asking him to come back to redo his seventh year.

Apparently, Professor McGonagall, currently Headmistress McGonagall, got the ministry to approve of letting Draco Malfoy coming back to Hogwarts.


Draco didn't think that it would be a good idea to go back.

McGonagall may have written him a letter asking him to come back, but Draco would bet his entire life that everyone else there would not be excited to see him.

"What do you got there?" He heard his mother walking into his room and sat down by the side of his bed.

Draco didn't say anything and just handed the letter to Narcissa.

His mother scanned through said letter and after she was finished she had a small smile on his face.

"You can't seriously think that this is a good idea," Draco exclaimed to his mother.

"I, for one think that this might actually be a good thing for you." Narcissa seems to have ignored Draco's opinion entirely.

"How so?" He raised an eyebrow.

"It will be a chance for everyone to change their minds about you." She said to her son who is now looking out his window from his bed.

There was no response from Draco.

"Besides, don't you have a special someone waiting for you there?" Narcissa causally mentioned.

Draco snapped his head towards his mother, shocked that she knew about you, he never mentioned you in front of his parents for obvious reasons.

His reaction to his mother gave her the answer she wanted.

"I saw the way you looked at her that day at Hogwarts. She had the same look on her face when she looked at you. You both truly love each other. When your father called you that day, I looked at her. She looked at us like she knew what we wanted. Then, I watched her let your hand go." His mother said so softly, with a tender smile on her face.

A soft grin came to Draco's face; he couldn't help but think how selfless you were that day. You would push yourself away from his life just so that you would ensure that he won't lose his parents because of himself, just because you thought that he would be miserable without them.

His thumb absentmindedly stroked the bracelet that was around his wrist.

"Did she gave you that bracelet?" Her mother noticed.

"She did, it was her mother's," Draco replied with an adoration tone his mother has never heard him spoken before.

"What is her name?" She asked.

"Amorlia, I just call her Lia." When Draco spoke your name, Narcissa could tell he missed you dearly.

"That's a very beautiful name." Narcissa's heart softens at the sight of her son.

He reminded her of herself when she first got together with Lucius.

"Tell me more about her." Narcissa requested.

Without even hesitating, Draco just started to ramble about you.

"Well, she's a Ravenclaw... She knows how to play the violin and very skillfully at that. The songs she plays always manages to calm me down. Somehow she also manages to see through me completely whenever I was hiding something." Draco chuckled back at the amount of time you exposed Draco whenever he was lying about his feelings.

"Lia was ever the only one that ever tried to get to know me. But it always seems like it's the other way around since she saw through me so easily while I had to figure her out. She would always make sure I was doing alright. She never pushed me when I didn't want to tell her what was wrong, instead, she just stayed by my side, keeping me company." Draco's smile quickly turned into a sad one, the feeling of longing for you suddenly became overwhelming.

"She... even came back for me even after what I did..." Draco's adoring tone quickly was replaced with a dragged voice.

Narcissa's heart ached to see her son like this.

"She sounds like a wonderful person." His mother placed her hand on top of his.

"She is." Draco somehow felt guilty for keeping your blood status from his mother but if he did, his mother will probably react otherwise.

"What's her blood status?" The question that Draco dreaded has come at last.

"She's a..." Draco hesitated to answer Narcissa's question.

That seemed to have given the mother the answer.

"She's a muggle-born?" Narcissa was surprised, but definitely not in a bad way.

It was just that her own son once hated their existence, it was unforeseen to her that her son would even associate himself with one. Seems like you really were something special.

Draco finally glanced away from the bracelet around his wrist and to his mother, scared to see her reaction to you being a muggle-born.

"Well, it'll be hard to convince your father about this." She said, shocking Draco.

"You're not against it?" Draco questioned his mother, not convinced at all that she would accept you.

Narcissa could tell that her son does not believe that she would actually accept the girl he loves as he stares at her with disbelief.

"I won't have any problems with her as long as she makes my son happy." She assured him, smiling at Draco.

Draco felt extremely happy that his mother approved of you. But still, there was his father that he has to convince.

"Yet again, she is all the more reason for you to return to Hogwarts."

Draco's eyes instantly lit up.

How could he not think of that as soon as he read that letter? 

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