9: Goodbye

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You didn't see Draco again after that day.

You were on Hogwarts express, alone in a compartment. For the past few days, your mind wonders why does Draco look so sad when he left you in your common room. You never got to ask him, since you never saw him around after that.

You were quietly reading your book when the door of your compartment opened.

You look up from your book to see Draco Malfoy by the door.

Draco looked surprised to see you inside. But when you looked at him carefully, you see him pale with dark circles under his eyes. Before he could say anything, you jumped up from your seat and cupped his face in your palms.

"Merlin, Draco! You look horrible! Did you even got at least some sleep?" you said worriedly.

Draco leaned into your touch and not pulling away. He thought that it wouldn't hurt to be with you a little more for the last time before they head back for Christmas break.

"I couldn't sleep. I've been having nightmares." He wasn't lying, as much as he forced himself to sleep, he always ends up with nightmares.

You pulled his arm and dragged him inside the compartment. And he let you do whatever you want with him, he didn't pull away as he planned. When you sat down and pulled him to sit beside you, he didn't hesitate to oblige and follow your lead.

"I might have something that can help you," you said.

You dug into your satchel and took out a brown box. You turn back around to face him with the box in hand.

"I originally wanted to send you this for Christmas, but I think it's better if I give it to you now." You hand him the box.

Draco opened the box and then a familiar song came out from the box.

"Isn't this..." He mumbled, recognizing the song.

"Yup, it's the song I wrote for you. I know you like to listen to it when you're in a bad mood and sometimes you fall asleep listening to it." You laughed at the memory-making Draco smile too.

"So, since you've been having trouble sleeping lately, I decided to make a music box with that song for you. Now you can listen to it whenever you want when I'm not around." You said to him.

Draco didn't know what to say, no one has ever been this considerate and caring aside from his mother. Yes, you've been a great friend to him, but he has never considered you to show him any more kindness.

You were caught off guard when Draco pulled your wrist. You crashed into his chest and felt his arms wrap around your waist.

"Thank you, Lia." He just said, burying his face at your neck.

You wrapped your hands around his chest to his back.

"Your welcome." You said softly.

After a few seconds, you wanted to pull back but Draco doesn't seem to have any intention of letting go. You felt that Draco needed this, but you didn't know what caused this.

"Draco?" you called.

With a weak and tired voice, Draco hummed in response, letting you know he heard you.

"Are you alright?" you asked.

You heard him sighed, his breath blowing through your neck making you shiver a little.

"Yeah, I'm just exhausted." He said after his sigh.

"Lie down." You said bluntly.

Draco knew what you meant, he lets you push him down with his head on your lap once again. You brought your hand to his hand, stroking his hair. You've been doing this every time both of you do this. You never knew if this bothers Draco or prevents him from sleeping, but he never said anything, so you kept on doing it. But you never got to know that Draco actually likes it, your touch was addicting to him. He never pulled away when you stroked his hair, he enjoys it but he never told you.

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