38:Their Fight

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Draco was shocked by you; this was the loudest he has ever heard you, making him take a step back.

He couldn't believe that you actually thought he deserved the beating he got.

He was left speechless.

You were the one person that Draco thought would have something to say about what was done to him. He never expected you to think that he deserved it.

"And here I thought you were my friend. You don't even care that when I was hurt, you only cared about them." He said hatefully.

"You know I don't mean it that way, Draco." You crossed your arms, your voice finally not screaming, tired of this conversation.

"Oh, says the person who yelled at me for the past minute and never bothered to ask me if I was alright after being hit by her own friends." He said irritatingly and you were annoyed by his attitude.

You took another deep breath, trying your best to be patient with him.

"You provoked them, you had it coming." You said calmly.

"I thought you cared about me. Turns out you were just like everyone else, sucking up to Potter, the only difference is that you're also doing the same thing with me as well." He smirked.

What he said hurt you. It hurt like hell, it really did.

"You know that I'm not on anyone's side, Draco. I'm just trying to help you to be better. You don't have to follow the life your father wanted you to have." You said, not noticing the tear drops gathering at the corner of your eyes.

"What do you know about my life? You're just some filthy Mudblood that I just can't seem to get rid of!" The moment Draco said those words, he regretted it.

You could see Draco's own eyes widened when he said it. But what said was said, you could feel a streak of tears rolling down your cheeks.

"So that was all I was to you, a filthy Mudblood." Your voice never wavered, still going strong despite the lump that was in your throat.

You swallowed it down.

"Not even a friend to you, I see." You had your head held down, facing the grass. You said these words out like it was nothing but Draco could tell it was not from your resentment for what he said.

It was from a broken heart.

But he wasn't going to back down now.

"You should've already expected this, Mudblood. You always said that my life was not that far off from yours. So why don't you run back to your own minions to suck up to you, huh?" His voice became like he was winning a battle. But you weren't in the mood to argue with him anymore.

"Unfortunately for me, I don't have any minions. I've never told anyone else about my life and heritage." Your voice was fragile like you were going to cry anytime. But you never did.

"Except you." You added the last part so heavily.

With that, you left Draco standing under the tree alone. Walking away from him...

And your friendship. 


After that day of your fight with Draco, you lived your days back to when before you met him.

It was boring and lacked entertainment. You became a lifeless doll that walked around doing your chores that were on your to-do list. Basically, classes, meals, practising your violin, study and sleep.

You did talk to your friends, but rarely since you were always alone. You never spoke unless you had something to say, which was already a thing that's rare since you were the kind of friend to sit back and just watch your friends from the sidelines.

If you had to say a name that was a person that actually could be considered as someone you think normal people would say behave most like friends together, none of your friends at the time would actually make the list.

Hermione was one of the few friends that you were actually close to, but you pretty much only talk to each other when you bumped into her at the library.

Luna... yes you were close with her, but after so many years as friends, you never really connected with her. She was wonderful as friends, but you never really had a meaningful conversation with her.

There are so many other people you thought of as friends, but none of them ever really seemed like you were actually friends with them.

All, except one.


Draco was pretty much the only one you talk to regularly without gaps of unknown periods of time where you didn't talk to each other.

But at the time... he wasn't a friend anymore.

You managed to went without Draco for two months.

What you didn't know was that Draco's life became just as dull as yours. Without you in his life anymore, he didn't have anyone to have a heart to heart conversation anymore.

Just like you, he doesn't have anyone that was actually a friend. And in the same exact way, he realised that the life he lived in Hogwarts before you were repetitive and stale.

Both of you never talked to each other for two months.

Draco never went to apologize to you, but he would always watch from afar, to which you knew about. You never caught him in action, but you would always feel a stinging gaze by the back of your head.

You knew immediately that it was Draco, you didn't even have to look to know that it was him.

Whenever you would practice by the lake, you could feel him watching you. You never exposed him and just let him be.

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