22: Crucio

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The Death Eaters dragged you with them, with the woman's wand still by your neck.

You were brought into the broad daylight, visible to anyone who would just turn their heads in your direction.

You watched as another woman with immensely curly hair approached Draco.

"Good evening, Bellatrix." Dumbledore greeted. Giving a sense of who that woman approaching Draco was.

She was his aunt. The aunt that Draco told you that was crazy.

She whispered something to his ear. You can clearly see Draco was shaking slightly more than before.

He was afraid. It was clear that he didn't want to do this.

But Bellatrix still pushed him, forcing her nephew into a murderer.

"I don't think there is any need to drag more innocent people into this, Bellatrix." Dumbledore declared, clearly noticing you within the clutches of Alecto Carrow.

"Oh, since we're here. Shouldn't we have a little fun?" Bellatrix replied.

Draco was aware that the man he needs to murder clearly was not talking about him.

So he turned his back to see who else was involved.

Eyes widened, Draco recognized you. 

You wanted to apologize to Draco for not keeping your promise for staying at your common room.

But you didn't dare to say anything at this situation.

Draco's blood boiled.

How could anyone dare hold their wand at you?

He wanted to free you from Alecto, but he can't. Not when all the other Death Eaters were watching.

He held back his desire to save you.

But, fate had other plans for him.

"Do it, boy. Or the girl gets seriously hurt." Alecto said, recognized the look on Draco's face when Draco saw you.

The blonde couldn't imagine you getting hurt. So he must gather the last of his gut and brace himself for what he was about to do.

Draco could only swallow his quietly in his mouth and follow the order given to him.

"No." Everyone heard someone's deep voice.

All of you turn in the direction of that voice and found Severus Snape.

"Severus, please," Dumbledore begged.

For a moment, you almost believed that Dumbledore was asking for the potions professor to help him.

But then, you realised that the headmaster sounded rather...... prepared.

What is there to prepare for?

It was like he and Professor Snape planned something for this very moment.

It was a second later, that you realised, they already had a plan for this very situation before it even happened.

Dumbledore was preparing himself, for Severus Snape to make his move.

"Avada Kedavra." The dark-haired professor launched his curse.

It was too late when you realized what they had planned.

You could only stare at the body of the headmaster, who fell over the balcony, to his death.

You were as frozen as stone, you just witnessed a person's death.

You couldn't believe that the headmaster that everyone in the wizarding world respected, was dead.

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