50: Corpse

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You had make up earlier at the party, but now with them off your face, Draco truly recognized how bad your shape was. You had dark circles under your eyes, you were so pale like there was no blood on your face. You were as skinny as a tree branch, there was almost no flesh but bones in your body.

If Draco had to describe you tonight, it would be a moving corpse.

"Aria?" You called out to your sister when she didn't say anything.

"You're wearing his sweater... again..." the question snapped Draco's attention.


How many times it has taken you to wear to get that reaction from your sister?

He looked down at your clothes, finally realising that it was the sweater you wore when you last saw each other.

It was a little torn from the battles that day, Draco could still spot some stains of blood on it.

But you never the less, you kept it. And still wore it till this day.

"It's the only other piece I have of him." You replied emotionless, ignoring Aria's irritated tone.

"Other than this." Draco's sight came to focus on your hands when they reached inside your sweater, pulling out to what seemed like a simple chain.

But what was hanging around it caught his eye, it was his ring.

You had it all along.

That's why he didn't see it at the party, it was hidden underneath your dress.

"Why don't you just leave and go to him?" Aria asked after you slipped the ring to your finger.

Draco growled quietly at the question. He didn't want you to feel any more sad than you need to.

Aria seems to have noticed his glares but ignored them anyway.

"Because I can't leave." You were obviously lying in Draco's eyes.

"You can, but you won't." Your sister walked over to you and sat beside you. Draco didn't know what Aria was trying to do but it wasn't pleasant to watch you give up on the topic she just mentioned.

You sighed. 

"If I know him, my guess would be that he still hates me for letting him go that day." You subconsciously rubbed against the ring on your finger, which of course, Draco noticed.

Your words stabbed Draco and it hurt more than he thought it would.

Even though it hurt, he knew he deserved it because it was kind of true.

The first few days after the battle of Hogwarts, he literally sulked about it. Even went as far as questioning if you were as coldblooded as his father to abandon him for your own selfish reasons. Which was a thought he quickly threw out of the window after calming down the second later.

"No, he doesn't." Aria quickly defended Draco.

"Even if he doesn't, it's been three years, Aria. He would've moved on by now." You said, no doubt within your voice at all.

Draco wanted so much to tell you that you were wrong, but your sister was still here he wanted to tell you personally.

"What if you're wrong?" Aria questioned.

Draco finally understood what Aria was trying to achieve.

She was asking these questions for Draco's sake. So that he'll know what to do when he was alone with you.

"If I'm right, his father probably has already engaged him to another girl by now." A hint of sadness finally made itself known within your tongue.

Draco froze when he heard your guess. You were spot on; it was exactly what lead him to come to find you in the first place.

"No, he wouldn't." Aria defended him again.

"Oh, trust me he would." You said without even hesitating.

Draco silently agreed with you, no doubt about it himself either.

Ariana fell silent after that, not knowing what to say to make you better anymore.

"You need sleep, Amory. Your black circles look darker today." Ariana pointed out.

"Good night, Aria." You simply said, not even bothering glancing at Ariana.

Ariana was uneasy to leave you as you are. She knew that Draco was there, so she took her leave but was still anxious with each step.

Before she completely left, she stopped to look at her sister one last time.

The look that was on Aria's face was as if she was telling Draco that she had given up and that she'll leave her to him.

Aria left the room, leaving Draco alone with you.

But you didn't know that.

Draco just stood there, staring at you as you just kept your gaze on your balcony.

He didn't know how to approach you and tell you everything he's been wanting to tell you. So he just stayed by his spot, watching you carefully.

You didn't make any movements at all the entire time Draco watched you, not that you noticed either.

Frankly, Draco was very shocked that you didn't even feel something from him staring at you for so long.

You clearly could feel him staring before at the party.

Then again, you were tired and you were at the sanctuary of your home. You must have your guard down.

It wasn't long until when you dozed off still sitting against the headboard and Draco finally decided to approach you.

He walked to you as quietly as he could, when he reached you, he was gentle as he could as he lifted you and placed you back down properly into bed.

Just as soon as he did, he caught your eyes that were opened. 

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