26: Your Scent

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"Draco?" you called him, he was still standing in front of the door after closing it.

You could hear him breathing out, shaky. His hand reached up to his face, you couldn't see his face because of his hand that was covering it like he was ashamed.

"Why are you here?" He got the words out like he was holding back, trying not to scream at you.

Did he really not know the reason you were here?

What other reason could you have?

Did he think you came back for something else?

"What do you think?" You answered with a harsh tone as if he insulted you.

Draco finally turned his head around to look at you, meeting your eyes.

As angry as you sounded, you had a different look on your face.

You were sad for him.

Of course, he knew why you came back, risking getting caught and imprisoned into Azkaban. Even with the possibility of losing your life, all this for the same reason.

"I'm not worth it, Lia." He looked down on the ground.

All the times he felt worthless at Hogwarts couldn't compare to the present.

How could he let you come back to Hogwarts just because of him?

The worse part was if anything were to happen to you, he would be the main reason for it.

Draco snapped out of his thoughts when he felt your hands on his cheeks.

Your hands turned his head to face you.

"Don't you think that. Don't you dare say that!" You said with the saddest tone he's ever heard you.

"But it's true," Draco said again, staring at the floor again.

He spoke up again, never letting you have a chance at speaking.

"If anything happened to you, it would be because of me. Because of me, you were putting your life at risk. And if you were to lose your life..., I don't know if I could handle it..." he said, tearing up.

You were ever the only one who understood him and respected every decision he made. You never doubted him or judged him.

You were the light of his life, without you he would never see his future. You were the only reason that he could still keep going on in life.

Losing you would mean he didn't have anything to fight for anymore and that he would have nothing to look forward to in the future anymore.

Draco can't handle the thought of losing you. Just the thought of it brought tears to his eyes.

"Nothing will happen to me, Draco." You speak up again.

"You can't be sure about that." He said, doubting you.

You didn't reply for a second, because he was right. You can't be sure if you would escape from all that's happening, completely unharmed.

But now that you were here with him...

"Not like you would let that happen." You smiled at him.

Draco snapped his head up. He had a confused look on his face.

You giggled at his reaction.

"I came back for you, Draco." Your hands found his, tangling your fingers with his.

"Because I can't just leave you here alone in all this mess. And just like you said, anything could have happened to me. That could apply to you too." You tightened your grip.

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