30: Harry Potter Captured

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Today is the day that Draco comes back from Easter holiday.

You were waiting for today ever since when you first step into the Room of Requirements.

Both of you agreed that he would sneak out from his dorm and come pick you up.

Of course, you also told Neville about this and that you've been staying with him before you came back to the Room of requirements.

Neville and all the other students in the room almost killed you right then and there. But they still trust you since Draco hasn't led the Carrows' to them.

You quietly walk out of the Room of Requirements, trying not to wake anyone up.

You were kind of expecting him to be waiting in the seventh floor waiting, but he wasn't there.

So you decided to sneak around, to see if you would spot him.

Wearing the cloak that you enchanted with the Disillusionment Charm when you first arrived at Hogwarts months ago.

You tried to be as discreetly as possible, trying not to be heard by anyone.

As you walk in the black hallways, barely any light emitted into them.

As you walked to a corner, you heard footsteps. You listened in closely, to see if it was the rhythm of footsteps you knew.

Unfortunately for you, it wasn't.

You quickly ran back to where you started.

Unfortunately for you, as you run, you can hear fast footsteps following not far behind.

You didn't know who it was, but you realise that if you got caught, things would not go too well for you.

You ran as fast as you could until you reached a part of the hallway that was pitch black while the rest of the corridors, at last, had a little bit of moonlight.

You stepped into the darkness, hoping that your cloak will be able to help you blend into the black part of the road.

You pushed your back to the wall, stepping back into the dark as deep as you can.

You listened as the footsteps got closer, as the moonlight shined onto that particular man's face, you realize it's Severus Snape.

Your push your back to the walls more even though your entire body is already sticking to the wall, nervous that he will see you.

From what you knew, he was the new headmaster of Hogwarts, meaning he was on Voldemort's side.


You also knew that he was the one who was a part of Dumbledore's plan, also meaning that... Dumbledore trusted him.

But you weren't sure if you can trust him, so you remained by the walls.

Snape paused a few feet away from you, looking around for anything, searching the thing that he followed, at least that was what you thought.

"Show yourself." He spoke in the silent hallways.

His eyes were staring front to the spot you were hiding in, as if he could clearly see you, staring into your eyes.

There was nowhere left to run, you knew even if you remained silent, he already knew that you were there.

You took a step into the light, removed the hood of the cloak as you walked forward.

Snape wasn't surprised to see you at all, you can tell that he was expecting it to be you.

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