37: Assaulted

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He was right, Harry was prophesized as the final hope of the wizarding world against. As someone from the muggle world, you don't really believe in things like destiny. But ever since you learned that you were a witch and came to Hogwarts, you didn't know what to believe anymore. It didn't matter what you think, they believed that Harry was the only one who rivalled Voldemort. It was fate.

It was so magical and exciting, but at the same time, it's mysterious and confusing. That's why when you first came to Hogwarts, you were very aware of everything that happened around you, and the fact that Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts only caused you to be more cautious.

When you heard the story of Harry defeating Voldemort when he was only an infant, you didn't believe for that you thought that it was unrealistic. How could a baby with no knowledge whatsoever defeat an adult that has control of its actions when Harry still couldn't?

Because from everything that you were told about Harry and The Dark Lord, Harry coming to Hogwarts meant it was a sign that your time at Hogwarts would not be so peaceful.

You know that you weren't in any sort of danger, but as the years went by, every year there was always something happening with Harry. It only made you more anxious and more restless. You would always wonder when is the biggest thing was going to happen to him. So you would start spending more time by the lake playing your violin to relax.

That's probably why Draco found you because you were almost always by the lake.

When Draco came into your life, you were intrigued. You took it as a challenge to be friends with him, eventually, it worked and you were friends with him. But what was surprising though was that Draco managed to help you forget about worrying about everything that was happening around you.

Because of him, your fourth year went by in a flash, until... the death of Cedric Diggory.

Ever since the death of Cedric, the days at Hogwarts went by darker and more depressing. By your fifth year when Umbridge came along, everything went off the cliff. You could only think of how foolish could the Ministry be; they were basically denying everything that's been happening.

And you can obviously tell that Draco was anxious about everything. But then, he wrote that awful song about Ron and then he got into a fight with Harry and George. You literally slapped your palm to your face when you were sitting within the crowd, watching everything unveiled by the pitch. You remember you mentally asking yourself why did you have a friend like Draco.

Because of this, you didn't want to talk with Draco. You managed to avoid him for merely a week before he caught you in the hallway and dragged you to the black lake.

You still remember that day.

You were walking normally to the Great Hall for a  lunch break when you felt a hand by your wrist started to drag you away.

But you didn't shout or anything, because you immediately recognized his scent and just let him pull you to your spot.

As you arrived, he violently threw your wrist from his hand and you almost went with along your hand from so much force from being thrown.

"May I ask why did you forcefully drag me here, Malfoy?" You purposely emphasized his last name, making Draco flinch slightly.

"What is your problem? You've been avoiding me for a week now and its time you tell me what did I do to make you do this." He suddenly growled.

"Oh ho, what didn't you do, Malfoy. This is about everything you did." Your voice was sarcastic and accusing.

"What did I do? I did nothing to you." He yelled and you could tell from his voice, he genuinely thinks that he did nothing wrong.

You glared at him.

How could he not know what you were being angry for?

You took a deep breath and you sighed heavily.

"This isn't about what you did to me, Draco. It's about everything you did to Ron, Harry and the rest of the Weasley family." You said much softer this time.

"What does that have to do with us?" he asked, still oblivious to what was the problem.

"They are my friends, Draco. Do you expect me to laugh alongside you when you insulted them and their family? You hurt them, Draco. And I'm mad that my friends are hurt because of you." You said a little more aggressive this time.

Then, Draco actually looked ashamed, you knew he expected you to react like this.

You took another deep breath, trying to calm yourself as you placed your hand to your face.

"This is not going work out if you keep acting like this, Draco." Your word was like a dagger stabbing into his heart.

You could see fear in his eyes, but fear was quickly replaced with rage.

"So you're just going to side with them and abandon our friendship?! You're not going to listen to what I have to say." You could feel your blood boil by what he said.

"What more can you say? You mocked their mothers, Draco! The fact that Harry's mother is dead makes it worse! And you didn't even hesitate to consider about that, that makes you even more cruel and cold-blooded!" You yelled at him, something you never did before.

Draco, obviously stunned at your voice, never hearing you yell before. In fact, this was the first time that you were beyond doubt angry at him.

But he quickly retaliated.

"You're my friend, Lia. Can't you try and understand why did I do it?" The audacity he had to say those words blew your mind away.

You could feel your eyes widen and blinking hard in disbelief and shaking your head while it falls back along with your body not certain if he was just ignorant or just completely insensitive to the grave emotional pain he has caused.

How could he still say those words with no shame?

"It's exactly because that I am your friend that I'm telling you this! You belittled their mothers, Draco! Their mothers who raised them, just like your mother did for you! They have feelings and so have you! How would you feel if I said that your mother was a shameless slut that only married your father for power?!"

You were surprised by yourself for saying this, you knew about how much Draco cherished his mother, and yet you don't find yourself regret saying that.

You can see Draco's face going red by what you said. You quickly cut him off before he could say anything.

"You see how it feels when someone mocks your mother? That was exactly what you did to Harry and the Weasleys'! You can't just treat them like they were some worthless rubbish, Draco! And as your friend, I need to tell you that you need to change how you treat them because what you did was hurtful and downright cruel!" You hoped that Draco would actually listen this time.

"Why are you so mad about this? This wasn't the first time that I treated them like this. So why does it matter now?" He asked you back spitefully. Clearly not listening to you at all.

"It mattered every time but you never listened to what I said and just shrugged it off like you did nothing wrong! This time you went too far!" You didn't hold back anymore.

"They violently assaulted me, Amorlia! Why don't you have anything to say about that?"

"BECAUSE YOU DESERVED IT!" You shouted at him.

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