17: Sectumsempra

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Another 2 weeks have passed, days have gone by with Draco and you avoiding each other.

You never thought you would miss someone this much. You felt like a piece of you has been taken away. Without Draco, you weren't whole. But, you couldn't do anything about it until Draco finally gives up on his stubbornness and approaches you.

If you were being honest, you don't know how long you'll be able to last without him any longer. You were falling apart, as the weeks go by, you were getting restless. You started to become quieter and reserved.

Your friends noticed your change and confronted you about it. Obviously, you just told them you were fine and they believed you. Hermione, however, could see you were not alright.

Hermione pestered you to tell her but your stubbornness insisted that you were okay, she had to believe you.

You've also noticed that Draco didn't look well either. You desperately hope that this thing between the both of you would be over. Both of you looked like hell and neither one of you was going to be the one to break the ice. If this continues, both of you would break apart.

Thankfully that wouldn't happen so soon.

You were at the Great Hall eating lunch when you saw Draco. He had his eyes widen, you followed his gaze and found Harry and Katie Bell talking.

You observe carefully between Draco and Harry. Draco seemed nervous and then Harry noticed that Draco was watching them. Draco then walked out of the Great hall with fast-paced steps with Harry following closely behind him.

Knowing the rivalry between them, you got worried about what would happen and went after them to make sure that nothing happens.

You followed them to the deserted girl's bathroom, where Moaning Myrtle lived.

"You hexed her, didn't you?" you heard Harry yelled.

Draco didn't say anything to answer him.

Out of nowhere, they both started firing spells at each other, making you rush in to stop them.

"HARRY! DRACO! STOP!" you yelled rushing in and standing in front of them, blocking them from firing another spell at each other.

"Merlia?" "Lia?" Harry and Draco called out, surprised and confused to see you here.

"I don't know what the both of you are fighting for, but this has to stop now!" you raised your voice. Harry and Draco were stunned; you almost never raise your voice. And now here you are, shouting at them.

Harry quickly recovered.

"You can't defend him any longer, Merlia! He's the one who hexed Katie! He's a death eater! You need to stay away from him." Harry yelled at you.

Harry expected you to be shocked by the news and walk away from Draco.

Draco expected you to turn around and ask him if it was true. Then, you would yell at him and leave him for good.

But, you remained calm and didn't seem fazed by the sudden news.

"I knew." Your answer shocked both Draco and Harry.

Draco walked forward and gently held your hand.

You turn back to meet with his guilty eyes.

"You knew?" he asked with almost a whisper.

You quietly nodded your head.

"You knew and you still think he's not a death eater?! You still don't think he's evil?!" Harry shouted with full volume.

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