7: Snape

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Soon, it's time for Professor Slughorn's Christmas party. You wore a silver-grey knee-length lace dress. You arrived at the empty corridors where you promised to meet with Draco. He did insist that he would pick you up at the entrance of your common room. But you didn't want to catch too much attention, so you both compromised.

You look around to find Draco, but you don't see him anywhere.

"Don't you look lovely, milady." You heard someone said. You recognized that voice almost immediately. You know him too well to not recognize him.

You turn around to see him in a black suit. You find your heart skip a beat seeing him.

"You look lovely yourself." You complimented him back.

"Shall we?" he extended his arm for you.

"We shall." You said and linked your arms with his.

Both of you walked into the party to be greeted by your potions professor.

"Ah, Miss Sierre and Mr Malfoy. Welcome! ..."

After having an awkward conversation with the professor, both of you were finally left alone.

Both of you finally found a place to sit and rest. You sit and sighed.

"What's wrong?" Draco asked.

"I forgot how stressful these kinds of parties can be. I barely kept myself from dashing out in front of the professor just now." You whined. You heard him chuckled, clearly watching you whined was amusing.

"And the fact you just watched didn't help either." You glared at him. For the whole conversation you had with the professor, Draco just stood by and watched.

"I thought that you were handling it pretty well. Besides it's not the first time you handled these kinds of situation." He said, obviously having fun about this.

"That doesn't mean I like to handle it every time!" you complained again, letting him laugh about.

Be careful, Draco Malfoy. When it's his turn, you will be watching just like he did.

Both of you chatted for a while, seemingly both of you are having a good time. This feeling felt... new. You would always felt uncomfortable at parties, but tonight didn't felt that way.

However, you didn't know you would be watching him in trouble so soon just after when he went to get you drinks.

Suddenly there was a crowd in the middle of the party, from where you were, you couldn't hear what was happening.

You stood up from your seat to get close.

You widen your eyes when you see Draco was held by his collar with Filch accusing him of sneaking into the party. But before you could intervene, Professor Snape already dragged him out of the room.

You started to chase after them when you see Harry in front of you doing the same thing as you. You quickly hid yourself to see what is Harry up to.

You and Harry weren't too far away from Draco and Snape to hear what they were talking about. They were talking too fast for you to hear anything. But then, you heard a faint thud when Draco's back was pushed against the wall by Snape.

"Listen to me. I am trying to help you. I swore to your mother I would protect you. I made the Unbreakable Vow, Draco -" you heard professor Snape said to Draco.

What? He made an Unbreakable Vow to protect him? From what? And why would he need to do that?

In your mind, you already had an idea what it's going to be about. But you didn't want to think about it, because the more you think about it, the more sense it's going to make.

"Looks like you'll have to break it, then, because I don't need your protection! It's my job, he gave it to me and I'm doing it, I've got a plan and it's going to work, it's just taking a bit longer than I thought it would!" Draco said angrily back at Snape.

What plan? A plan to do what? And who gave that job to him? Once again, you find yourself making sense of everything that has been happening, but you refused to believe any of it.

You listened to their conversation as they argued over it. When it was finally over, Draco darted away without returning to the Christmas party.

Harry finally decided to go back to the party when he spots you behind the wall. He stared at you for a while until he asks you.

"You heard them too didn't you?" he asked.

You just nodded plainly, you knew what was coming next.

"What are you going to do now?" Harry asked. What they heard was enough to help them both to be suspicious with Draco, and maybe even Snape.

If you were being honest, you don't know. You were suspicious with Draco, but you said before that you know that he's not evil by heart. And you were still sure about it, throughout Draco's conversation with Snape, you heard frustration from his voice. You know that he was lying to Snape.

"Pretend nothing happened." You couldn't actually conclude anything from their conversation without your suspicions bugging you.

"After all that, you are going to pretend that nothing happened?" he asked again.

"Are you going to do anything about it?" you asked back smartly. Their conversation clearly has something else behind it. But both of you clearly have no proof to prove anything.

Harry kept quiet, he knows he can't do anything without actual proof.

With that, you walked away to search for Draco.

Just like you predicted, you found him at your usual spot by the Black Lake.

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