↬့◗Xiao | Sightseeing ❤︎ (✰)

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I want to be more than this

I am a knight okay !? Let me tell you again that I am the honorary knight and yet here I am doing a maid job cleaning at the dawn winery, sometimes I questioned myself 'what am I ?' It doesn't make sense I should've do a knight job like fighting o...

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I am a knight okay !? Let me tell you again that I am the honorary knight and yet here I am doing a maid job cleaning at the dawn winery, sometimes I questioned myself 'what am I ?' It doesn't make sense I should've do a knight job like fighting opponents, saving life.

I groaned remembering what I need to do after cleaning here, I must go to Liyue and help Ningguang and Ganyu to choose decoration for the lantern festival that will be held in four days left.

"Y/n ?" I heard a familiar man voice in front of me while I was just sitting on a rock, I erased my thoughts and look up, the sun light pierce my eyes for a while until his face blocked it.

"Xi-xiao ?"
He smiled and help me stand up.

"What are you doing here !?"
I'm so surprised to see him here because he never come here before.

"To pick you up of course, Ganyu need you I heard from her that you participate decorating for the lantern festival ?" I blinked a few times processing what he just said.

'Participate ? More like they want me to help.'

"Yeah, I di-
"Why !?" Wait did he just raised his voice to me ? All my life even though I'm a close friend of him, he never raised his voice at me.

"The truth is, they want me to help and I can't say no."
He facepalm and sighed.

"Learn to say no, you don't need to say yes all the time."
I nodded and we ended up walking to Liyue together after I finished my 'job' in Dawn Winery.


"So, are you going to come ?" I stretch my hands up while walking and looking at him.

"Come ? When ?" I stop my track right in front of him.
"To the lantern festival of course." He walk passed me and say no.

"But why ? C'mon I'm participating, you should come." I stopped in front of him again but this time he move his head closer same level as mine and he send me a little smile, I could feel my heart beating rapidly and keep accelerating every second, my body felt hot.

"You okay ?" He place his hand on my forehead and things gotten worse, my face heating up and I couldn't control my heart anymore, I'm just praying he didn't sense it.

"We're near Wangsu Inn, let's stay there for a night." I immediately refuse, it's not neccessary and my heat already dissapeared which is weird.

"It's okay I'm good."


Finally after that fateful journey, we arrived in Liyue but it doesn't end here, I need to go to see Ganyu and Ningguang.

"What a drag." I sighed and begun to walk on the bridge but Xiao didn't come with me.

"You're going to leave aren't you ?" I said, and he nodded.

"It's too crowded I don't like i-" I gently caressing his head like we always do but I saw his cheek turning into red, his blushing clearly visible with my both eyes.

"I-I-I-I gggotta gotta ggo go." He sprint in full speed and left, that was fast.

I continue to where I'm about to go, and what a coincidence I saw Ganyu walking around with papers, ropes, brushes and paints.

"Ganyu !" She turned around, she gave me a warm smile from that sleepy expression of her.

"Y/n !" The paints is about to fall so I rush my way towards her and help her with it.

"That was close, it's nice to see you here y/n ! I need your help !"

It's obvious isn't it ? "Yeah sure, what do you need ?" She walk somewhere and I follow her until we stopped on the bridge entrance of Liyue.

"Y/n, can you use your anemo to hang this rope up there ?" Ganyu said, but it's impossible how do I do that.

"Wait, I think it's time to call the emergency food." She tilted her head and suddenly Paimon came out of nowhere.

"You guys need help ?" Yes ! Thank God you're here Paimon 😭😭 you're my emergency helper even though you don't help much. Ganyu told Paimon what to do while I went to meet Ningguang and help her with paperwork by signing things up.


"Ugh, what time is it ?" I stretch my arms, and Ningguang giggled. "The festival almost start." I rest my head for a while on the table after I finish the last paper I bid Ningguang goodbye and went outside. It's already night, how much time I spent there ?

The breeze of wind and children running around playing fireworks.

"Let's go the festival about to start !" A little girl said to a boy same her age. Oh yeah they about to release the lanterns. I walk to Liyue harbor and ask if I can take two lantern for me and thankfully the person said yes.

I walk with two lanterns on my hands and went to a boat. "Need a hand ?" I turn around and I see Xiao, I don't know why but I felt happy that he's here.

"You're here." He join me on the boat and went far away from Liyue harbor.

"So, why you're here ?" I talk to him and gave him one of the lantern, he gladly accept it with a smile. It's not like him. "I need to talk to you."

"Okay ? Why so serious ?" Before he continue he release his lantern and so did I, after that I felt hand holding mine. I turn my gaze to him and we make eye contact.

The dark water reflected all the lanterns that lighten up the skies and his eyes shinning under it, I feel butterflies in my stomach as he gently touch my right cheek.

"Be mine, y/n L/n."

ELYSIAN; Genshin Impact OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now