↬့◗Various Characters | Trace Pt. II ⾎☽︎

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Thriller, AU

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Thriller, AU

I'm home

"How do you feel ?" We were back in the car, this time I drive while he was writing important notes in his book, "about what ?" He closed his book and put it in his coat, "going home

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"How do you feel ?" We were back in the car, this time I drive while he was writing important notes in his book, "about what ?" He closed his book and put it in his coat, "going home." I could feel his eyes staring at me, waiting for my answer, "honestly I don't want to go back."

"Then why ?" He immediately cut me off, "I can't maybe because I..I hate myself I couldn't save my neighbor and desperately tried to protect myself." He patted my shoulder. "It wasn't your fault." He sighed, "anyway if your second speculation is right, we cannot come there as detective, we need a disguise." I shrugged my shoulder, "let's go pick the classic one. Both of us are student doing our thesis about Konda village."

"If they know who you are, what are you gonna do ? You're not going to tell them that 'oh, I'm going to kill the murderer from 8 years ago'." He said copying my voice. "Hey ! First of all I don't sound like that and, of course I won't say that. Let's just go with the flow."

We went to Konda and arrived at night, I turned off the car and we walked out, memories flashing back in my mind makes me suffocated, "are you okay ?" Zhongli rubbed my back making me feel better, "I hate this place." I groaned as we walked to the village entrance. I saw some of the villagers were outside staring at me and murmured, Zhongli walk closer next to me, "I think they recognize you."

"Chill, they don't know that my job is detective." We walked to the largest house in the village, "how do you know this is the chief house ?" I rolled my eyes at him after I knocked the door twice. "Did you forget that I lived here ?" We heard the door opened and stood a man that I knew 8 years ago named Shogi smiling at me. "Oh my ! Y/n ?"

He hugged me and I hug him back, "I missed you, all of the villagers missed you." I respond with a warm smile, "are you looking for my dad ? He's not here anymore." What does he mean he's not here anymore ? "He died 3 years ago because of illness." Aww too bad he was a nice person. "I'm sorry to hear that." He nod, "thank you. Oh and by the way I'm Shogi." He introduced himself to Zhongli, "I'm Zhongli, I'm y/n husband." What !? I stare at him disbelief.

"y/n wait here, my dad left something for you." He walked inside and I glance at Zhongli, "what ?" I rolled my eyes, "husband ? Really ?" He winked. "You're lucky having this handsome and smart man with you." I wrapped my arms around his neck almost choking him, "why you !" Before I wanted to hit his head, Shogi come out of his house and give me a key. "Yours." That's all he said before he smiled and close the door.

"Weird." I heard Zhongli whispered, "yeah I know now let's go." I grab his hand and both of us went to my old house. "I'm home." It was clean, I think they take care of my house after me and my parents left.

"Welcome home y/n." Zhongli leaning on the door frame while smiling at me. He smile everyday for 5 years but why this time my heart rates increase ? Am I have a feeling for him !?

"What are you thinking ?" He placed his hand on top of my head. "Nothing ! Let's rest and start our investigation tomorrow." I moved his hand away and walk to my old bedroom, "you can sleep in my parents bedroom." Before I closed the door, he blocked it with his hand. "Goodnight Y/n." He smiled and walked away. Goodnight Zhongli.

Commotion was heard by the time I opened my eyes at 4:30 AM. "y/n ?" That voice belongs to Zhongli calling my name behind the door. "What happened outside ?" I asked him hoping that he know, I stood up and tied my hair before I opened the door and greeted by Zhongli wearing a plain white shirt and black short with his hair still messy.

"I don't know, let's check it out."He opened the front door and we walked together towards the crowd. I saw Shogi trying to calm the crowd. I blend in with the crowd and ask one of the villagers.

"I'm sorry can you tell me what happened ?" He sighed, "Mizu one of the farmer here just died." It's happening again while I'm here and I can't hear anything...something is weird, usually I'm sensitive to sound.

"Y/n." Zhongli interrupted me, I quickly hold his wrist and make him follow me back to the house, I closed the door and locked it. "What's wrong ?" I sit down on the floor and so did he. "I think I know something...remember when I told you that Yoimiya was found already dead near the river while Kuki was killed there ?" He nodded, "so ?" I went to my bedroom and grab my phone to text Childe.


Hello ?
U there ?
This is urgent !
Text me !!!

"Y/n ? So you're saying ?" I keep my phone screen on and continue my explanation, "Ok so....I need Childe answers just to make sure if Yoimiya body was clean or like not bleeding too much, if it is then maybe there's a place where he killed Yoimiya before he brought her to the river, we need to find that place." My phone vibrate and it was a message from Childe.


What ?

Yoimiya body
when your team found her
was she clean ? but not that clean

Yes, I know what u mean
not really, but her body was colder
than usual corpse
I'm guessing she's already dead
for a few days
and the killer just left her
near the river

Ok, thanks

"Y/n ? How do you know if the murderer is a guy ?" I rolled my eyes, "it's obvious of course, it's about strength and it's rare to find a girl killing people." I showed him Childe message. "Fuck my speculation just ask everyone here who we think suspicious, just blend in with everyone here gather some information and end it once and for all, I can't think anymore." My phone vibrate again but I ignore it and continue to sleep for couple of minutes.

Mission : go with the flow because y/n don't want to think anymore begin.

ELYSIAN; Genshin Impact OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now