↬့◗Wriothesley | Love Punch ❤︎☽︎

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Fluff, AU

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Fluff, AU

Then...I'm allowed to do this.

"And the winner of our battle is

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"And the winner of our battle is.....Riosesuri !" Cheers, clapping and screaming could also be heard in this place, the crowds went crazy for him. As for me I was accompany my friend Charlotte, I have no idea she like this kind of stuff even though she told me she needed documentation for her club, but from the look of her face she's definitely fangirling this Riosesuri guy.

"Charlotte, snap your pictures and hurry up, the crowds starting to leave this place." She give me thumbs up while clicking her camera. "Okay I'm done, let's go buy ice cream!" Both of us walked out of the underground place and find a place to eat.

"I want uh.....uhh...uhuh..." here we go again, Charlotte read the menu several times and yet she's still confused on what to order. "You said you want ice cream." She's way too focus on reading the menu so I order first. "Why don't you recommend us your best dish in here and best ice cream flavor and also a... refreshing drink."

"Hey! You also confuse on what to order, that's why you keep saying that." I shrugged, She finally order same as me before we choose our table.

"How is your job? Hear any words?" I apply for a new job, well not exactly apply for a new job, but Neuvillette asked me to replace his position for a while until he come back. "Oh yeah I forgot, I have something for you, it's from Neuvi." She reached out her purse and game me a small black box, "Neu told me to give it to you." When I open the box, I saw a beautiful pearl necklace.

"You know, that guy is totally into you." Huh? Who? I look around and I don't feel like someone is staring at me, "I mean Neuvillette, dumbass!"

"Him!? Oh come on, we're just friends since childhood." Charlotte rolled her eyes, "yeah friends. I could read 'I love Y/n' printed on his forehead when he gave me this."

"Oh please if he is, I don't deserve him at all. He's like Mr. Perfect, always and always has been." After a while, me and Charlotte finished our meal I received a text from Neuvillette.

ELYSIAN; Genshin Impact OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now