↬့◗Zhongli | A Thousand Years 𝆕 (✰)

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I have died everyday waiting for you.

I have died everyday waiting for you

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Everything change...

Thousand years ago I appear in this world knowing nothing and I don't even know who I am, I don't know what is my purpose here and I don't know where I'm from and where am I, what I only remember is that I saw this man in my dream, strangely we're close as if I know this man for a long time, even though thousand years have passed, I'm not aging at all.

Living thousands of years in the world, I met some people, a close friend that gave me a house to live in, a close friend that took care of me and always there for me when I'm lonely but she passed away, after that I decided that I will never get close to people, I avoid all of them that came near me, gifted with long life isn't good at all, having the chance to see a child born grew to an adult until old and died over and over again everyday, just like now I'm sitting with a cup of jasmine tea in my hand watching four kid playing kites.

"Nice aroma as always." I took a sip of the tea and put it back to the table. I heard two man laughing not far from where I sit, one them has light brown hair with red mask on his head with his attractive blue eyes, as for the other he has a long dark brown hair and shiny hazel eye.

He turn his gaze towards me and we make eye contact, suddenly my head sting like I got hit by a rock.

"ah!" My vision getting blurry and all I see is black...

"I told you my name, so what's yours ?" I saw myself talking with someone in a forest, I look happy as if I was with my close friend.

"My name is y/n, nice to meet you Morax."


I look around and suddenly the forest turn into something else that I don't recognize.

"Let's name it Azdaha."


The place change again but this time I recognize this place... this is Liyue.

What am I doing here ?

I see nothing except I heard a man voice.

"I want to live a normal life."


"Wake up, wake up." I open my eyes and see a man that I saw before who has blue eyes.

"Where am I ?" I positioned myself to sit on the bed and then I see his friend I guess, the one who has dark brown hair and hazel eyes.

"Just a random house."

Random house ????

"Nice to meet both of you, I gotta go, thank you." I stood up and walk to the door but the blue eyes stop me.

"Hey, we don't know your name." He said while blocking the door with his hand.

"Please move aside." I stare to his eyes but he smile.

"My name is Childe Tartaglia, you can call me Childe or Tartaglia and his name is Zhongli."

Zhongli ?

"I'm Y/n, now-

Suddenly Zhongli grab my wrist.

"Y/n !?" I tilted my head.

"Yes ?"

"You don't know me ?" He said while searching something in my eyes.

Why am I feeling like this ?

"No....I'm afraid not, please excuse me." I let go of his hand and get out from the room jump through a window, I land to the ground safely and I immediately go home.


"You don't know me ?"

His words replay over and over again in my head, I never see him before but my heart tells me different, whenever I see him my heart beats rapidly and hurt.

"Oh ?" I touch my cheek, I didn't realize that I cry.

This man.... who is he ?

"Ah !" My head hurt again but this time I'm conscious and I see flashes like memories.

"Y/n have you ever wonder how it feels to have a normal life ?" A man voice ask.

"I too feel the same way Morax, if it's possible for us to feel it, let's do it together." I see it my face, the happiest face I ever seen.

"I love you y/n."

"I love you too, Zhongli."


"Zhongli ?" From his voice I think he ask why she I mean me called him Zhongli.

"You're the Geo Archon, if you want to live a normal life you need to change your name and Zhongli suits you."
Suddenly something struck me like lightning, all of my memories regain one by one.


"She's your what !?" Childe shouted on the forest near golden house.

"She's my wife, I don't know why she's here because what I remember she's dead." Zhongli crossed his arm and think.

"Could it be reincarnation ?" Zhongli shook his head meanwhile Y/n running from her house looking for Zhongli.

"Zhongli !"

I remember I finally remember, I came here to see him after I passed out during battlefield, someone healed me and I choose to live a normal life like human being but in exchange that person took my memories so that I could be here.

"Zhongli !!!" I arrive under Mt. Hula, a huge tree stood there, I don't know how I ended up here, my feet just drag me to this place, I felt water fall from the sky.

"It's raining." I look up and then I look down.

How could I didn't realised it was him all along, the man that I've been looking for was him. Pathetic.

"Y/n !?"
That voice ! I look around and there I see him right in front of the tree, without thinking twice I run to him and hug him tightly.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." I cried to his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, I should've recognize it was you." He hug me tightly and kiss my head.

"After all this time, finally we're back together again."

ELYSIAN; Genshin Impact OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now