↬့◗Alhaitham | Skipping Class ❤︎☽︎

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Fluff, AU

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Fluff, AU

Promise me this will be the last

I walk through the corridors heading to the third floor of my school just to meet my boyfriend who always stuck his head with books

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I walk through the corridors heading to the third floor of my school just to meet my boyfriend who always stuck his head with books. "I knew I will find you here." I take a sit next to him and finish my papers that I brought in my bag. "What are you doing ?" He closed his book and fixed his attention to what I'm writing. "Math ?" I nod, "I forgot to do this paper and math will start in 5 minutes."

"Let's skip class then." I stopped writing and point the end of my pencil to his chin. "What did you just say ? He leaned to his chair, "I'm not gonna repeat myself darling." I quickly put my belongings inside my bag and zip it. "Wait you actually want to do this ?" His face look concerned all of a sudden.

"Yes of course, I know I can finish my paper in 3 minutes but I hate math so why not run away ?" I hold his hand and walk out of the library, the corridors filled with students walking around and chatting. "Ugh great ! why there are so many people here ?" I walk through the crowds with Alhaitham behind me. The crowds only filled the third floor.

"Not so fast Y/n." He stopped me by holding my backpack strap, "where are we going ?" I sighed and turn around facing him, I put both of my hand on his shoulders and trapped him to the wall. He was shocked by my sudden action. "Arcade." He sighed and turn me around until my back hit the wall. "Stop teasing me."

When he leaned closer, my phone vibrates. "Sorry." I grab my phone from the side pocket of my skirt. "It's Komikomi."


Y/n ?
where are you ?

somewhere ?🤷‍♀️

class already begin
please tell me
you're not skipping math



"Y/n ? Sorry to bother you but, can you chat while walking ? Other teachers might see us." I shrugged, "yeah sure." Alhaitham lead the way while I'm chatting with Kokomi.


what lies should I make this time ?

oh just tell her
I'm on my period
I'm in school infirmary

Ok fine
treat me sushi
this weekend

Okay 😋

"What lies should I make this time ? You've been skipping classes !?" Every students near the front gate staring at us, I immediately covered his mouth with my hand, "ssshhhh ! Keep it down !"

"I need explanation from you princess." He demanded, "let's get out from here and I tell you." He sighed and hold my hand, we walked hand in hand to the nearest bus station. We sit in awkward silent while waiting for the bus. "Yes I've been skipping classes but not that much ! I know it's wrong, I'm sorry." I put my backpack on my lap and buried my face in it.

"It's fine, but promise me one thing." I lifted my head a little waiting for him to continue. "That this will be the last time you skip class." Wait he's not scolding me ? The bus arrived, he take my hand and both of us walk to the bus while I still staring at him weirdly. "What ? Is there something on my face ?"

"What's wrong with you ? You always scold me if I did something wrong but now you're not." We were sitting at the back on the corner leaning my head to his shoulder. "Haitham ? Darling ? Babe ?" Still leaning on his shoulder, I look to his face and he's sleeping peacefully leaning to the window. "Aish this guy."

We only spend 15 minutes in the bus and arrive in the arcade. "What do you want to do first ?" I looked around me and my eyes went straight to the claw machine. "I want that !" I rushed my way to the machine and insert my coin. "Can you do it ?" he stands with his arms crossed beside me. "Hey ! Don't underestimate me."

I tried playing the claw machine 5 times but got nothing. "That's it I give up, let's go find something else." I walk out of the arcade and went to the park in front of it, I sat on the bench while my boyfriend was nowhere to be seen. I sighed and leaned back on the bench and closed my eyes briefly but the drops of water falling on my face prevented me from doing so.

"Drinks ?" He sat next to me and gave me my favorite bottled drink. "Thanks." Not long after I had just opened the cap of my drink, Alhatiham's cellphone rang, he picked it up and then he just nodded while saying yes and turned off his phone. "We gotta go now ! My teacher is looking for me." I closed my drink and we both went to the bus stop, luckily there was a bus that was boarding passengers there.

"Tell your friends your have diarrhea." We entered the bus and sat in the back. "I'm not gonna say that." I snatched his phone out of his hand and texted one of his friends named Cyno.


Hey cyno
It's me y/n
Just tell the teacher
Haitham is having diarrhea
In the toilet for hours

I go tell her
You know
Alhaitham sucks
At making excuses

Really ?

Yeah, he skip classes
Like 2 times every week

What !?

Wait, he never told you ?

And thanks fyi

I glared at him and handed him back his phone. "You hypocrite !" When I was about to hit his arm, he held my hand. "What's wrong ?" Because my hand was held by him, I stepped on his shoe. "You've been skipping classes 2 times every week !?"

"Who told you ?" I let go of his grip and leaned back in my seat. "Cyno." he held my cheeks then I looked at him, "sorry" he said, I sneered "okay, promise today is the last." I held out my pinkie and we pinkie promised. When we promised, he pull my hand and kissed me. "I hate you." I said between the kiss, "I love you too."

ELYSIAN; Genshin Impact OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now