↬့◗Albedo | + One Year ❤︎

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Today is the day, the most beautiful girl in the universe was born.

The sun lightens up the sky as I walk in Mondstadt with Paimon doing daily comission work that Katheryne gave me

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The sun lightens up the sky as I walk in Mondstadt with Paimon doing daily comission work that Katheryne gave me.

"Where's our next destination ?" Paimon said while flying around here and there.

"It's not a good day for a birthday girl to do daily comission work 😕 Katheryne should've give you a day off."

"It's already my job Paimon, besides my birthday doesn't change anything." Paimon pout and hit me on my shoulder.

"It's not fair !" She fake cry, I rolled my eyes and take a look at the map.

"Let's see we're going to-
"Y/n !" I look around to search the voice source and my eyes locked with Sucrose.

"Oh, Sucrose ? What's wrong ?"
"Y/n, can you help me give this to Albedo ?" She gave me a box wrapped in blue fabric.

"What is thi-
"Bye !" I tilted my head, why is she in a hurry ? She looks like she's hiding something. I shrugged it off and carry the box with me, I mean I just need to bring this to my boyfriend right ? What else could gone wrong ?

"So, that means we're going to Dragonspine ?" Paimon said with panic attack that I can clearly see it.

"Why ? scared of little sheer cold ?" I said with a smirk but only earn a respond of Paimon make excuses that she had a job to do which she doesn't have.

"Oh great, go to Dragonspine all by myself."
I groaned and walk to Dragonspine as fast as I could. No Paimon or with Paimon there's a plus and minus.

Welp the bright side is I don't have any burden and hear Paimon's voice and I will arrive in Dragonspine faster but now my emergency food is gone, what if I'm starving out there and Paimon is not there with me !? What should I eat !?

I probably will arrive in Dragonspine in 06:00 PM sharp, whatever inside here I hope he doesn't wait.

Meanwhile in Dragonspine somewhere inside a cave someone just sneezed.

"Ugh, my nose."


I finally arrive on the foot of the mountain, I could feel the cold wind in front of me. I will get sheer cold once I'm in, I hope there's seelie or bonfire on my way there.

I step in to the white ground and dash really fast, silly me the wind hits me like needles .

"No shit!" Samachurls and hilicurls block my way, there's no fire, no mechanism that give warmth I can feel my body getting colder and colder but I keep fighting and dodging at the same time while protecting the box from getting scratch.

When I defeated them suddenly I felt arms wrapped around my body before I passed out.


The smell of herbs tea filled my nose and a warm atmosphere surrounding me, I open my eyes and see a pair of beautiful blue eyes staring into my soul.

Before I finish calling his name, he touch my forehead checking if I have a fever.

"You scare the hell out of me ! What he hell are you doing in Dragonspine all alone ! What the hell were you thinking !?" He's mad and yell at me until he ran out of breath.

I positioned myself to sit on the ground, I look his face and he's terrifying like a predator ready to eat a prey.

"I'm sorry." His gaze turn into something more horrifying.

"SORRY !? SORRY IS NOT GONNA CHANGE ANYTHING !" I gulp and my eyes begin to tear up a little. He look at my face and sigh seating in front of me and his thumb suddenly wiping away my tears from my cheek.

"Hey, I'm too harsh, I'm sorry." I look away and imitating his words.

"Sorry ? Sorry is not gonna change anything." He laugh and start to pinned me.

"What are you doing ?" His right hand slowly move to my hair tracing down to my face, my neck and he stopped, my mind already wandering everywhere, he close the distance between our faces until our nose touching each other, not gonna lie I bet my face is totally red right now.

"Let's get up, I want to show you something." He stood up and pull my hand to help me up, for one moment I thought he was going to kiss me passionately and turn out into romantic scene, oh well my mind wandered too far.

He gave me his coat and we went somewhere quite but still in Dragonspine not far from his place.

"What are you planning to do ?" I said as I climb to a hill following him.

"Sit here." We arrived on top of the hill and I sit down just like what he wanted, he started a mechanism that I never seen before, he walk towards me and sit next to me.

"What are we doing here ? It's pointl-
Fireworks shooting up from the mechanism, he gently touch hand and my cheek, his head move closer to mine slowly but surely I feel our lips touch, he kiss me maybe a minute or so.

"Happy birthday." He smile while circle his hand around my neck and give me a beautiful necklace.

"I love you Y/n."
"I love you too Albedo."

ELYSIAN; Genshin Impact OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now