↬့◗Alhaitham | Kadoiri ❤︎𓁹☽︎

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Fluff, Angst, AU

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Fluff, Angst, AU

When spring come, let us meet again.

When spring come, let us meet again

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3 years ago

"Mom! Dad! I'm leaving, see you later." I ran from my room straight downstairs to the door, "how about breakfast?"
I wore my white socks and my boots, "nope I'm already late, love you!"
I opened the door and closed it. I was living in a small town far from Tokyo, far from the crowds and far from the busy city life, I totally love it here. Everything seems to be just right.  Well except...

"Y/n! You are late again! Your house is not far from school that doesn't mean you can be late all the time, this is the 3rd time y/n! You need to manage your time y/n, you almost graduate from school and yet you always late! Get out of my class!" Guess that wasn't my lucky day.

I walked out of the class, after that fateful moment I decided to just skipped all of my class today because why not? I walked from school and continue to do that until I arrived on a bridge, I tried to read the wooden sign that covered in snow. "Kadori? Ka-kadoiri, ah it's Kadoiri bridge." I decided to stay there, sitting on the railing even though the weather is slightly cold because it was winter. It was nice and relaxing for some reason until I saw a boy wearing a black sweater and beige scarf, coming towards me and sat next to me, from the look of his face and his style I could tell he was around my age.

"Hi I'm y/n, what's your name?" He turned to look at me, "if I sit here that doesn't mean I want to know you." Excuse me? How rude. "Your parents didn't taught you how to talk to strangers?" He sighed, "sorry. Alhaitham by the way."

"Are you from around here?" He simply nodded, "Ah I-" my phone suddenly vibrate and I saw my mom calling me. "Oh shit, I gotta go, it was nice meeting you." I turned around jumped from the railing and land on the ground safely. "I'm dead." I ran as fast as I could, I picked up her call but she immediately turned it off, and now I know my mom gonna be so mad at me.

"Where have you been!? Miss Jean called me and you're not in her class today and she said this is not the first time! It was already twice this week! Miss Xianyun told me you late again in her class! What is going on Y/n?" Yup my mom was furious. But thank goodness my dad saved me, he came home right on time and my mom told me to go to my room.

After that well I tried to fix myself, try to sleep on time instead of gaming and movie marathon, everyday after I went home from school I always meet Alhaitham at the same spot where we first met, and eventually we get along together, we played together, we took a walk together, I went to his house and he went to my house, everything was just right until...

"We're moving to Tokyo, your dad business went well and they want him to work there." I was speechless, they didn't even let me gave my opinion about all of this, "Since your graduation will be this Wednesday, we will be leaving Thursday." My dad continued, I was standing there didn't know what to do.

That means I need to leave everything here, including Alhaitham.

Graduation day

The graduation went well, I texted Alhaitham to meet me on the bridge this afternoon, today is the day that I'm going to tell him that I'll be leaving to Tokyo. I arrived on the bridge and I saw Alhaitham there leaning to the railing, he properly stood up right after he saw me. "I need to tell you something." Both of us said in unison. "You first." He said.

"I'm moving to Tokyo tomorrow." After I said that, he couldn't hide his feeling, he definitely looked sad and dissapointed, "the thing is y/n. I'm going to LA to continue my education there." We both sighed, "so I guess this is goodbye then." I could feel my tears started to come, "you can text me everytime y/n, and I promise every spring we will meet here the exact same spot when we first met, so everyday you meet me will always feel...just right." He wiped away my tears, "see you next spring y/n."


From that day I haven't heard a single word from him, every spring I come to the bridge looking for him but he wasn't there. I gave up after 2 years of waiting and continue focusing my life here in Tokyo, I work in my own café controlling everything and also I'm the chef. "Hey Keqing, order for table 5 ready." I ring the bell and Keqing immediately serve them.

"Whoaa I can't believe it tomorrow is a day off." Kirara stretch her arms next to me. "A day off?" Kirara looked at me confuse, "yes tomorrow is spring and you always close this café in the first day of spring." Ah yes tomorrow is spring.

"You know y/n, you should enjoy your day off tomorrow instead of wrapping yourself under the blanket and crying over movies all by yourself. Go out once in a while, clear your mind and remove that dark circles under your eyes." Said Keqing while leaning on the counter. "Yeah she's right, you look stressed day by day."

After I closed the café and went home, my mind filled with Keqing and Kirara words from earlier. They're not wrong, one last time let's try this again y/n if he's not there then I'll move on.

I wake up early in the morning and went to a bus station, my mind is made up, I want to try again for one last time because I couldn't let him go, he's been haunting me in my mind, he's always there when I wake up, when I walk on the street, when I'm at work, everyday since I left I can't live in peace.

I finally arrived back in my hometown hoping to find what I'm looking for. I walked to the bridge while admiring the scenery, flowers started to bloom, the frozen river started to melt and as the sun lights up the way, comfortable warm weather surrounding me. There I saw him standing across the bridge.

My heart beating really fast, I can't even control my breathing, 3 years I've been waiting for him, my tears started to fall, I run towards him as fast as I can he open his arms and embrace me, he spin me around before he put me down. Even though I'm happy to see him again, but I couldn't control my emotion anymore, 3 years of heartbreak, 3 years of uncertainty.

I hit his chest, "3 years Alhaitham! You didn't keep your promise, 3 years I'm waiting for you do you know how hard it is for me to wake up from my bed feeling broken everyday? Do you know how hard it is for me to shake you off my mind everyday? I love you Alhaitham I really do."

He touch my cheek and he narrowing the space between us. "I'm sorry for making you wait, I'll never leave you again."

ELYSIAN; Genshin Impact OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now