↬့◗Kamisato Ayato | Wish You The Best 𝆕Ꙭ✰

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Songfic, 70k reads special

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Songfic, 70k reads special

Maybe it's supposed to be this way

"I'm in front of your gate open up

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"I'm in front of your gate open up." I hung up the phone and not long after I saw my friend Ayato running while waving at me and opening the gate for me. "Hi y/n !" He immediately hugged me a second after he opened the gate. "Hi, I bought your favorite and some chips too for Ayaka." He helped bring the food that I brought then we went into the house. "She's having sleep over in her friend house."

When I entered his house, I was greeted with my childhood photo with him hanging on the wall, in that photo we were sitting on the sand, his hand was trying to tie my hair. "Good old days ?" He was standing next to me staring at the photo, I nudged him. "Yeah it was."

We paused for a moment before sitting on the couch and watch a movie. "Oh ayato, by the way there is a cat cafe that just opened in this area, let's go there tomorrow." He nodded slowly while seriously watching tv and eating chips.

I watched tv with him for a few hours before I fell asleep on the couch but it didn't take long because I heard something fall from upstairs. When I opened my eyes, Ayato was no longer beside me. "Ayato ?"

I walked to the stairs leading to the top floor, Ayato's room door was slightly open, I knocked before entering but I saw him lying on the floor unconscious and medicine scattered everywhere. "Ayato !" I ran downstairs to grab my phone and called an ambulance. How could this happen ? is he sick ? why didn't he tell me ? 

Upon arrival at the hospital I immediately text his sister Ayaka who was with her friends.


Your brother is in the hospital
Come here as soon as you read this

After I sent the message, a doctor came out of Ayato's room and approached me. "Are you his family ?" I shook my head "I'm his friend." The doctor sighed, "he has lung cancer." Immediately I was silent, I didn't know what to respond, I felt suffocated and my chest hurt, tears started to fall my surroundings seemed to stop when I saw his body lying unconscious from outside the room. "Is there anything you can do to help ?"

"We will try our best." The doctor left, then from the opposite direction I saw Ayaka in pajamas running towards me. After she stood in front of me, I saw the expression on her face as if she already knew this. "You know about this ?"

"I'm sorry Y/n, I tried to tell you but he won't let me." Tears continued to flow without stopping, I could only chuckle, I sat in the chair in the hallway in front of his room and Ayaka also sat next to me. "Why not do chemo ? surgery or something ?"

Ayaka smiled sadly and looked at his door. "He doesn't want to." I looked at her in surprise. "Why ?" She shrugged her shoulders. "He said... I already have what I want in this world, a great sister and a great friend and I am not asking for more, if this is fate that I have to accept then I will accept it."

"But I don't, I'm not ready." Ayaka shook her head "I'm also not ready to lose my only brother who I love more than anything in this world, but if this is what he wants I will accept his decision even though it's hard."
She patted my shoulder before she entered her brother's room.

I sighed then stood in front of his door, I saw Ayaka crying and stroking her brother's hand. Ayato...you know you will break the hearts of those who love you so much, I will miss your laugh, your smile, your anger, everything. Thank you for being my friend since childhood, I will never forget the times we spent together.

Ayato has been lying in the hospital for 2 weeks, of course his cancer is getting worse and spreading everywhere, the doctor said he only has a few days left, he was conscious 1 week ago, I tried to persuade him to do chemo but he still doesn't want to do it.

Today he invited me to go to the roof garden of the hospital just the two of us, my feelings mixed up from the beginning I woke up this morning until I arrived at the hospital. He was in a wheelchair while I walked behind him pushing his wheelchair, we headed to the elevator and went to the top floor.

The scenery is very beautiful, the flowers are blooming and neatly arranged, also the trees are beautiful in the garden. I sat on one of the chairs and he was right next to me. "Do it for me Ayato." I stared at his smiling face while he looking at the sky in front of him, he didn't respond to me, instead he changed the subject.

"I never thought that I would have a friend who is always by my side, you know I've never thanked you for this. Thank you for everything you did for me Y/n, I'm glad you came into my life."
I sighed trying to hold back the tears that would soon fall.

He wheeled his wheelchair in front of me and took a hair tie from his pocket. "Turn around." When he started tying my hair, I remembered the moment where he tied my hair when we were on vacation at the beach. "Good old days ?" My tears can no longer be held back, I nodded and sobbed. "Yes it was."

I turned around after he finished tying my hair, he wiped my tears using his finger then hugged me tightly. "I thought we can watch each other getting old. I love you y/n I really do." His tight embrace began to weaken as his breath began to fade, my embrace grew tighter not ready to let him go. "Thank you Ayato." I closed my eyes and the memories of when we were on the beach played back. I saw him running happily on the beach throwing sand, he stopped looking at me and nodded while waving goodbye. See you later Ayato.

ELYSIAN; Genshin Impact OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now